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4 days later

" ummmmm no" I said as jahseh started messing with my makeup brushes

" no what" he questioned laughing

" no as in stop touching my make-up" I responded moving my brushes to the other side of the dresser

" they that important to you" he laughed

" yes and no there important because they were expensive" I said putting them in my makeup bag

" you don't even wear make-up like that though so why you got so many brushes " he asked looking me dead in my face

" gahh lee jah move a lil bit" I laughed backing up " and because I'm a bad bitch and don't need make up" I said zipping the bag up " but when I do end up doing my make-up for a party or something then that's where all these brushes come in" I added

he just stared at the bag and shook his head

" why you not trying to extend babysitting" he questioned sitting on my bed

" that's why you keep getting so close to me because you don't want me to leave" I laughed looking at him

he just stared at me and smirked

" nahh im not even saying that I was just asking" he chuckled

I pressed my lips together looking at him

" mmmmhm and  cause my job here is done your momma coming back next week and I wont be needed" I said shrugging

the door flew open revealing Kiara

" girl come here" Kiara said in a panic

me and jahseh both looked at her confused

" whats going on"  questioned putting my bag down

" just c-

she stopped talking and put her hand on her head

jahseh got up and was about to leave out

" no no no just me and mia right now" she said shaking her head

I looked at jahseh then walked out the door

" what the fuck is going on " I questioned giving her a concerned look

" bruh ion know how we managed to do it but girl" she said in disbelief

" how we managed to do what" I questioned wondering why she was acting this way

" just come to the car" she said quickly walking out the door

" girl you getting thick" I laughed as she walked in front of me

she turned around sticking her tongue out smiling

" yea girl I know but you gon be getting thick real soon too" she said opening her car door

" yea imma start working out" I laughed

" no not that way" she said reaching in her car

" huh " I questioned

" baby fat" she lowly said raising up a plan b test

my eyes widened as I stared at it

we looked at each other for a good minute

" is that th- I didn't take the pla-

she shook her head no while nervously biting her lip

" I th- I think imma faint" I said about to drop

Baby sitter 2Where stories live. Discover now