A day out

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" girl don't fuckin crash my car" kiara said as we all stood around in the living room

I sucked my teeth

" why would I crash" I said squinting my eyes at her " I know how to drive" i added crossing my arms

" exactly she knows how to drive" aiden said defending me

" no cause you be stomping on the breaks you not supposed to do that bull shit" kiara said raising her eyebrows

" she be sponge bob big toeing it" Stokeley chimed in before laughing

" el oh el you got the whole squad laughing" I sarcastically said with a straight face

" nah you can't lie that shit was funny" he said still chuckling

" shit was corny wasn't it aiden" I said turning to aiden

" corny as can be" he agreed

" period" I said sticking my middle finger up at them

" Ard but we bout to dip so see y'all thots later" I said heading twords the front door

" you don't even got keys in your hand" Jahseh said

I turned around feeling so slow

" oh that's right" I said going over to kiara " see what I was doing was checking to see if my leg was working properly I had to walk on it you know" I said

" that didn't even make sense but here" she said handing me her keys

" bitch" I said yanking the keys away from her

" whaaaat" she said confused

" you got one more fuckin time to scratch me with them demon claws" I said mugging her

" then be careful around my hands next time smart one" she said mugging me back

" you do Need to file them down you be scratching the fuck outta me when we sleep" Stokeley added

" see" I said unlocking the door " get them chopped down a bit" I said walking out the house

I closed the door after aiden came out the house

" so where we going today aiden" I asked as we walked to the car

" hmmmmm" he hummed " I don't know let's drive around and see where it takes us" he shrugged

" you got drive around gas money" I questioned

He looked at me with a smile

" noooo but you do" he cheesed

I laughed and opened my door sitting down inside the car

" alright seat belts" I said while closing the door

" what's that" aiden said looking on the floor

" what's what" I questioned

" oh it's a SPIDERR" he screamed stomping on it

" oh hell no" I said unbuckling my seat belt

" no no no stay in the car I got it" he laughed

I side eyes him for a minute then stared at the floor

" mmmmkay but if I see a spider while we're driving I'm crashing the cat understood" I said putting my seat belt back on

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