Docter pt2

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I woke up on a couch and everything was loud and blurry

" mia you good"

I started crying because I knew I just knew I died and was having a one on one conversation with god

" god just please let me go back and whoop they ass please please" I begged

" nigga what it's dae dae"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes

" fuck I'm in hell" I groaned

" your on earth what the fuck you been smokin" he laughed

" aht wheres kiara Stokeley and Jahseh" I said holding My finger out

" jahseh right there" he said pouting across from me

I looked and He was just staring

" and Kiara and Stokeley went to get you sum ice and pain killers" he shrugged

I nodded my head

" okay you can back up now" I said scooting away from him

I looked down at my leg and I had a pink cast on wit kiara name Stokeley name and a picture of a peta waka

( a dick idk peta waka is a funny ass name for it)

" remember when you use to come to me and get your shit why you stop" he questioned licking his lips

I sucked my teeth

" dae dae I don't like you what the hell" I said laughing

" bro why not you act like you ain't said I was a fine ass nigga" he said smirking

I rolled my eyes

" your holding on to non existent memories cause I don't know what the fuck you talkin about" I said rubbing my lips together

" but you was thinking it" he laughed

I groaned and turned around

" bro get me off this couch" I said sitting up so fast

" oh so you bougie now" he said nodding his head slowly

" no what the fuck it's dirty as hell in here" I said dusting my shoulder off

" how bout you clean up" he joked

I stared at him

" do I look like a maid to you" I said tilting my head

He laughed

" yo don't you got a baby why are you talking to me" I groaned

" Mann fuck her and that ugly ass baby that shit ain't even mines" he responded sucking his teeth

" oh wow" I said blinking my eyes and looking away

" but yea me and the boys was talkin bout puttin you and kiara on the corner or like to set niggas up" he said so confident

" nigga have you lost your marbles what screws are loose in your head" I said scrunching my eyebrows together

" what you mean y'all would be great for the shit we do" he shrugged

I rolled my eyes and stood up

The pain in my foot was the worst I ever felt so I just hopped over to Jahseh and sat next to him

" that ain't gon keep me from talking to you fuck that's your boyfriend or something" dae dae questioned

As I was about to talk Jahseh said something

" nahh that ain't my girlfriend" he mumbled

I looked at him And he looked at me

" oh Ard cool cool" dae dae said looking at me

" what you staring at you not my girlfriend" Jahseh scoffed

I rose my eyebrows and took a deep breath in

" okay" I said nodding my head

" yoo don't claim you g" dae dae laughed

I sucked my teeth

" Mann fuck him I don't give a fuck" I responded

Jahseh let out a annoyed groan

I looked at him and mugged him

" mia stop looking at me" he said turning twords me

" what's your problem" I said laughing

" you been poppin yo shit for every nigga" he said in more of a question

" Mann what huh" I said confused as hell

" why when we walk in here every nigga starin at you" he mumbled

I looked at dae dae then at Jahseh

" Mann you trippin trippin what you said just now was crazy as fuck where did you get that from" I questioned

" please don't test me" he said staring at me

" yo what are you talking about like seriously I didn't fuck anybody in this house" I responded

" oh" he mumbled

" Mann you geekin " I said sitting back in the chair

The front door opened causing everyone to look over there and it was kiara and Stokeley

" I got the ice and shit" she said holding up a bag smiling

" woah why the both of y'all look like that" she questioned

" dae dae what did you do" she asked tilting her head

He threw his hands up

" aye it wasn't my fault" he said backing away

" I'm kinda ready to go" I said looking at kiara

" well Aaight we can dip" she said shrugging

" AYE RON WE LEAVING" kiara shouted

He came from the back tumbling around everywhere

" oh she's doing better" he slurred

Oh yea that nigga drunk

" yea she is .... we finna go home cause it's getting late and shit" she said shrugging

" Ard be safe" he said before disappearing to the back

I got up and started walking to the door

" wayment Mia you not gonna give me your number or nuffin" dae dae said

I walked out the door

" bye dae dae" I said laughing As I walked out to the car

Idk idk idk 😌


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