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Stokeley POV

" you didn't die yet" she groaned Rubbing on my leg

I shook my leg so her hand could fall off

" nahh I'm still running I did beat my high score tho " i said going xgamesmode on subway surfers so I wouldn't die

She rolled her eyes and laid on the couch

" you don't wanna touch me" she whined

" nahh I wanna touch my highest score in subway surfers tho" I responded looking at her for a split second

I was concentrated on my game until I heard moaning coming from the room a few doors down

" I know they not hitting it better then me" I said sitting up looking in the direction of the noise

" play that for me I'll be back" I said getting up
Leaving her behind

Isaiah POV

I walked out the room leaving the girls behind

I went down into the living room seeing nobody there but The girl Erica playing on her phone

" yoo" I said getting her attention

She looked up at me with a dry expression

" what's wrong with you" I questioned laughing

" Stokeley won't fuck me" she groaned


" he got a girl" I responded biting my lip

"he letting his girl get fucked tho" she said rolling her eyes

I raised my eyebrows

" oh wow" I said covering my mouth

" by who tho" I questioned

" I don't know some girls" she said sucking her teeth

I was shocked

Kiara likes girls woah was not expecting that

" why are you playing subway surfers" I questioned taking a peek at her phone

" Stokeley told me to play this while he went in one of those rooms" she said pointing " claims that whoever was Fucking his girl was doing it better then he was" she added

What in de hail

" damn" I said shaking my head


" wait wait wait I can't" I said pushing Jahseh chest

We got into a heated kissing session but I can't I just can't

" what's wrong" he questioned looking at me

" I can't do this sober" I responded

He tilted his head laughing

" what" he responded confused

" I have to be high or off the yerkies or something" I said fiddling with my fingers

" I won't fuck you with drugs in your system what the fuck" he said laughing

" bro fuck no I'm scared" I mumbled

His eyes widened

" virgin" he said staring at me

" no yes maybe bruh" I said putting a finger out

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