Phone calls and cases

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It's been a week since everything happened and kiaras not back and Stokeley hasn't came back either but one person did

And that's

My mans Isaiah

" I'm back in this bitch" Isaiah said as he threw a pillow at my head

" come on now" I said side eyeing him

" shut up for I throw my shoe next time" he said putting the middle finger up at me

I yawned and stretched my body

" boy fuck you" I said standing up a little

" okay so what are we doing" Jahseh questioned

" calling your girlfriend and telling her to drop the charges" I said biting my nails

" that ain't my girlfriend" he said scrunching his face up

" OHHH YEAAA I forgot about that I wish I was here when y'all fought" Isaiah groaned

" I woulda loved to see mia get her ass beat" he laughed

I stank eyed him

" instead of washin yo ass or cleanin yo DRAWLS you sittin here harassing me" I said causing him to bust out laughing

Jahseh put his finger up signaling he was on the phone

We all got quiet and stared at him

" put it on speaker dumbass" Isaiah whispered

Jahseh lowered the phone and put it on speaker

" what do you want Jahseh" jasmine questioned through the phone

" ion get no hi bae" he laughed

Isaiah looked at me and snorkeled

I just wanna bang that nigga on the top of his head sometimes

I put my middle finger up and turned back to Jahseh

She let out a deep sigh

" hey bae" he dragged out

I rolled my eyes

" jelly" Isaiah mouthed towards me

I bucked at him

" so how are you feeling" Jahseh questioned

" oh I'm fine" she said before pausing " and you" she questioned

He put his chin on his hand and stared at the phone

" I'm good" he responded

I pressed my lips together looking at Isaiah

He was sitting over there biting his nails looking around

" what you call me for" she asked lowly

He looked at me as I looked back at him and we both looked at Isaiah

" ion know why y'all looking at me ian have nothing to do with this" Isaiah whispered

" I was callin about them charges your put on mia can you drop em" Jahseh said

She cleared her throat

" umm no I don't like That bitch and she put her hands on me so she needs to be punished for it" she said with a attitude

I rolled my eyes and sat back

" youn got a video of the fight" Isaiah questioned

I shook my head

" jassi you was throwing shots at her everything she came around" Jahseh responded

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