Store tunes

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" so like which one do I get" I questioned looking at Kiara

She gave me the dummest look

" the one that says plan b dumbass" she said in a duhh tone

" well damn I Thought there were certain types you could pick from " I said mugging her a little

" they all do the same thing" she responded

She leaned down picking up a box

" here's the one I used" she said handing it to me

I looked at it then looked at her

" so you don't see that this box is opened a little with a piece of duck tape sealing it back shut" I said squinting my eyes at her

She looked at the box a second time before laughing out loud

" mannn retarded ass bitches I swearr " I laughed

She bent over grabbing me another box

I grabbed it from her examining it before nodding my head

" do it taste like anything" I questioned

" not to me I swallowed it fast so I didn't get a chance to taste anything" she shrugged

" like you always do" I said before quickly moving out her way incase she tried to slap me or something

" the fuck you moving for they don't call me the glizzy gladiator for nothing" she shrugged

" I- how do I deal with you" I said shaking my head

We walked up and stood in line so we could buy the plan b

" look that's what you need" kiara said pointing to the gum on the little racks next to us

" and that's what you need" I said pointing to a random summers eve bottle that wasn't even supposed to be right there

She flipped her hair being all dramatic

" oh baby I don't stank" she said playfully rolling her eyes

We finally made it up to the cashier and I put the box on the counter

She looked up at me then looked at kiara

" mmm y'all kids don't wait til marriage anymore" she mumbled

" can your body even process kids anymore" kiara said causing me to quickly look at her

" I don't want anymore kids If I were you or your little friend I would learn more respect for myself and cover up those marks of the devil before going out in public" she responded

Oh shit I forgot about my neck

" he do seem like he came from a demon spawn some times" I said swiping my card and shrugging

She gave me a look and shook her head

" now your getting rid of a child that could possibly be the best thing that's ever happened to you" she groaned

" listen lad-

" it's not worth it" I said quickly grabbing the bag and pulling kiara along with me

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