Petty bitch juice

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I woke up to somebody jumping on me

" MIA" aiden yelled as his Elbow landed directly on my chest

" OUCH" I hissed pushing Aiden off me knocking him to the floor

"OUUU" I said quickly getting up checking on him

" I'm okay" he groaned getting up

" my bad" I said with a smile

" anyways I came in here because jasmines downstairs talking to Jahseh

I stared at him

" say that again please" I said making sure I heard him correctly

" Jahseh is down stairs talking to jasmine" he repeated

" OH HELL NO" I heard kiara voice boom from downstairs

I quickly got up and me and Aiden ran down the stairs

Kiara was standing in front of Jahseh and jasmine who were cuddled up on eachother on the couch

I'm really starting to hate this nigga

" BESTFRIEND" kiara yelled looking at me

" mannn what the fuck" I laughed coming down the stairs

" bro I'm your best friend and all but your doing her dirty" Stokeley said rubbing his neck

" why the fuck would I be worried bout her" Jahseh laughed

" yo what the fuckkk" I laughed even louder " see this that shit I was talkin bout" I added

" I'm his girlfriend what are y'all doing all this for I can't come and chill with my man" jasmine said

I put my hand on my head

" youuu shut yo bitch ass up" I groaned looking at her

She scoffed and stared at me

"he don't want you" she mumbled

" that's what you think but kiara lemme borrow your phone for a minute I gotta make a call" I said staring jahseh in his face

" mmmhmm make sure you call x ray or what ever that boy name is" she said nodding her head

I walked over to her and grabbed her phone

" don't call that nigga" Jahseh said getting up

" yo are you really stupid like for real what's going on in your head" I said stopping in the middle of the steps

" bae if she wants to call another guy let her it's really non of your business" jasmine said getting up

" exactly listen to your bitch" I said jogging up the rest of the stairs

I quickly went into my room and started getting dressed

" I'm going out tonight" I mumbled roughly putting on my pants

I picked up kiara phone and unlocked it going to her messages

Once I found Xavier messages I clicked the number and called him

I started putting on my shirt waiting for him to answer

" hello" he said through the phone

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