Carnival pt2

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" yo the ticket booth is right there" Isaiah said pointing over to a hot dog stand

I looked at him

" do you see what that sign say dummy" I said pressing my lips together

" bro it's obvious look how many people is standing in line it's obvious that's the ticket line" he said sucking his teeth

" bruh howww dummbbbbbbb" I said holding my head

" it's a hot dog stand Isaiah" kiara said laughing a bit

" ohhhhh" he said raising both eyebrows turning away

" yo it's over here" Jahseh said pointing to the actual ticket booth this time

We started walking to the line

I started dancing randomly because that's just what I do

" woah there some fine ass females here" Isaiah said looking around

" you sure they want somebody with a low iq" Kiara questioned

He put his middle finger up

" hello how many tickets you want" the girl at the booth questioned smacking her gum

I scrunched my face up a little at the sound of her popping her gum

" umm 5 adults and 1 child" Stokeley said

" okay" she said smacking her gum

I rolled my eyes and kiara noticed

She shook her head and rolled her eyes too

" y'all payin separate or what" she asked looking at all of us

" I'm payin for her" Stokeley said pointing to kiara

" I'm paying for her and him" Jahseh said pointing to me and Aiden

" I'm paying for myself" Isaiah spoke up smiling

" mm" she hummed " okay its 40 for y'all" she said talking to stokeley

He pulled his money out and paid and she gave him a wrist band

" y'all can step up" she said talking to us

" okay 50 for y'all" she said staring me down with a mug

I groaned

Why do everybody have to be rude to me I'm actually a nice person

Jahseh pulled out the money and paid

She took the money staring at me the whole time I looked around her avoiding eye contact

" here you go" she said handing Jahseh two of the wrist bands

He took them and walked ahead

" here girl" she mumbled with a attitude purposely dropping it

I rolled my eyes and picked it up

Pushing the stand as I walked away

The stand felt like fucking card board like I won't kick that bitch down with her inside

I walked next to kiara and put my wrist band on

Isaiah was next up and he was tryna flirt with the girl

" If this pee wee nigga won't come the fuck on" Stokeley said causing us to start laughing

He kept talking for a good 5 minutes until he came walking twords us with a salty look

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