Chapter 1

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The bright lights of the morning sun had reached the eyes of Peter Parker as he laid in bed. He yawned as he turned his head to look at the red-headed beauty beside of him. That would be non other than his Atlantean girlfriend, Mera.

Peter smiled as he softly kissed her forehead. Not a day goes by where he doesn't think about that day ten months ago. The day where he literally crashed into Mera in Italy. It was a day that would start a whirlwind of events, both good and bad, in the following months coming. This would include imprisoning Fisk, meeting officer Jeff Davis, encountering the Demons, viewing and learning about Atlantis, Devil's Breath, Otto Octavius' betrayal, the Sinister Six, Aunt May's death, the revelation of Atlantis, and of course......capturing the heart of the incomparable Princess Mera.

And speaking of Mera, the red headed Atlantean was waking up. Peter felt a satisfying sense of joy when those ocean blue eyes opened and rested upon him. "Hey Red." Peter said with a loving smile. Mera yawned and sat up with an smile of her own towards Peter.

"Morning Pete." she said, reaching out for his head. She pulled him in for a short yet passionate kiss. "Now make me food." she said with as little emotion as she could, pushing away from him and leaning on the headboard with a blank stare.

Peter rolled his eyes at her antics. "Might as well give up that whole act all together Mera, it doesn't phase me anymore." he said, knowing very well she was just messing with him.

Mera picked up her phone and started to scroll through her calendar of events. But she did spare Peter a glance, and a smirk slowly emerged on her lips. "Darn." she said. "You aren't phased at all by my little tricks anymore, aren't you?"

Peter chuckled and went to the kitchen to make food. "Ten months gives you a lot of time to learn about someone." he said. Mera scoffed as she glanced at Peter. And then her smirk widened as her eyes cast downwards.

" the fact that someone likes to wear undies with their own face plastered all over them." she said, holding back a chuckle.

Peter blushed as he looked down. Clearly she was referring to the fact that he was wearing his spidey undies currently. "Hey.....they're comfy." he replied.

"I'm sure they are." Mera said, putting her phone on lock and getting off of the bed towards the kitchen. She then saw the red on Peter's face, even from behind, and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Don't be embarrassed. I think they're actually cute."

That comment only made Peter's face turn from crimson to a dark rosewood color. "Thanks Mera." he said. Mera pecked his neck, before turning towards the other end of the kitchen. "What are you doing now?" he asked, looking at his girlfriend.

Mera just smiled and said, "I'm making waffles."

Peter rolled his eyes. Last night he had her watch Shrek with him....against her will. She didn't want to have anything to do with it. But she ended up liking it, and now she was quoting it right in front of him.

"Actually no, I'm getting the plates ready." Mera said, laughing.

"You really are something else Mera." Peter said, shaking his head as the food started cooking. Mera just smiled in response as she grabbed the plates from the cabinet.

In the last ten months Mera had been learning a few things about how to cook and clean on the surface. It was a bit odd at first because back in Atlantis, there would be people who would do that for her since she was a princess. But she wasn't going to whine and complain about it.

"Food's finished!" Peter said, rubbing his hands together. He put the eggs, bacon and sausage on plates and they dug in.

While they ate in silence, Meta just couldn't help but look at Peter in awe and amazement. After all they be had been through the last 10 months, after all the people he has lost in his life, and all the traumatic events that have happened to him, he's still this spirited and happy individual. How he was able to keep his great personality day in and day out will be something that Mera will always admire about him.

"So, you're going to visit your dad today?" Peter asked after a few minutes.

"Yes. It's been a few months since I last saw him. It's time I go back to let him know I'm alive." Mera half joked. Peter smirked in response and continued to eat. "Still nothing on the other escapees from the Raft?" She asked.

"No. Still nothing." Peter said. He knew that Mera was referring to the big named guys that are still on the loose from when the Sinister Six broke out the Raft prisoners. Names such as Shocker, Kingpin and Black Manta.

"Well sooner or later they'll show themselves. I have a feeling Manta's going to attack Atlantis at some point." Mera said, finishing her food.

"And knowing Willie, he's probably starting up his business again in secret." Peter said, shaking his head. He was not looking forward to putting all of those guys back into jail.... AGAIN.

"It'll be alright Peter." Mera said with a positive face. "Cause we'll overcome it all together. If we could overcome a deathly plague and a bunch of escaped prisoners all at once, we could certainly overcome this." She then ran her fingers through Peter's hair as she left to clear her plate.

Peter just stared at her as she cleared her plate and smiled to himself. He really loved that woman.


One good thing that has resulted from Atlantis being revealed to the surface was the fact that people eventually started to get used to Atlanteans jumping into and out of the ocean. So there was no need to be secretive anymore when it came to leaving and coming back for Mera.

But the two had a lot of memories in the old abandoned building. That was where they first met officially, where they went to meet Arthur, where they met Mera's dad, and where they would go just to spend alone time with each other. Nothing had changed one bit, as Peter and Mera were currently in the building, with Mera in her iconic green Atlantean uniform.

"What are you going to do?" Mera asked, cupping Peter's cheeks with her hands as they sat on the floor next to the giant hole in the floor.

"Probably grab a bite to eat, then I'm gonna hang out with Miles for a little while." Peter responded, pulling Mera a little closer to himself.

"I'm glad that you are mentoring Miles out there in the field. He did good for his first assignment didn't he?" Mera asked with a smile.

"Yes. And it was a good crime to start with too. A good old-fashioned hold up on a small store." Peter commented. "The only thing that bugged me was how saggy the suit looked on him."

Mera smirked and said, "Right, that was your original suit you lent to him. The one with the slash marks on the chest area."

"Fixed those thank you very much. He'll grow into it.....I hope." Peter mumbled the last part. Mera chuckled at Peter's words a little before responding.

"Alright Pete." she leaned in and pecked his lips softly. Peter made a bit of sad smile in her direction. "What's wrong?" she asked with concern.

"It's just.....I'm not exactly happy whenever you have to go." Peter said. Mera put on a look of understanding at his words. Having someone you love leaving your side even for a second feels like crap.

"I know. That's what I feel every time you leave for Pedro's." she said, rubbing her thumb across his cheek. "It sucks, I know. But soon enough I'll be back."

Peter nodded. "And I'll be waiting right here for you Red." he said, the smile coming back onto his face.

Mera beamed at his nickname for her. "I know you will." she whispered, looking into the amazing chocolate-colored orbs, just as Peter was gazing into her ocean blue ones. "I love you." she said quietly.

"I love you too." Peter replied, before the two shared one last passionate kiss.

Soon enough, they let go of each other and Mera headed for the hole in the floor. She turned to give Peter one last amazing smile, before jumping into the waves below.

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