Chapter 7: Following Orders

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Ruka's POV

After we discussed the plan, we then headed out to Redmond's base. I'm still processing in my mind about the whole... "Great Clock" thing that the General explained to Techna and I earlier, and the short "talk" he gave me privately.


"Ruka, do you have a minute?" Alessio asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I walked back to him, noticing Monica just kept walking.

"Is there something wrong, general?"

As soon as I finished asking, he suddenly put his hands on my shoulders, holding firmly.

"Listen to me, Ruka, once you get her back, go back here in the headquarters with your leader. "

"Oh, alright..." I said without thinking twice about my answer nor realizing what he just said.

"Good... And after this is done, I'll take care of the Clock myself. And whatever you do, don't tell her."

~Present Time~

How could I NOT tell her that she's my friend, I never keep any secrets from her, especially something important like that. Except of course my feelings, and some other embarrassing stuff. Though now that I think about it, maybe there is some way I could not tell her but she will still know.

"RUKA, STOP DAYDREAMING AND FOCUS!" Monica shouted through the communicator in my ear.

"Alright! Alright... Geez! Do you want me to be deaf or something? Anyway, what was I gonna do again?"

"You're in your hiding spot right? When there's no guards, turn left, then turn another left, then right. There you'll find the room."

"Alright, gotcha."

As soon as the coast was clear, I started running in the hallways while remembering the ways she told me to go earlier until I made it to my destination.

"U-Um... Ruka?" Techna said in a nervous tone through the communicator.

"Don't worry, I didn't get lost this time."

"W-what? No no no, it's not about that- it's about the-"

Before she was able to finish her sentence, the lights of the room suddenly turned off, then red lights slowly lit up. I then noticed the doors where I entered earlier and the exit is both closed now.

"Oh... Right. I forgot about that one. But don't worry, I can handle this."

"Ruka- Look out!"

As she shouted those words I quickly turned around and was able to dodge the shot. I sighed in relief but soon felt a bit of pain in my cheek. I tried touching it and saw a bit of blood. I guess it's true that he doesn't miss his mark that much, but he was never that much of a fighter either so, he still misses.

"So you finally got tired of using your toys to fight for you, huh?... Redmond."

"Well, you know the saying... 'If you want it right, do it yourself!' ""

He said as he pointed his revolver gun at me and fired but failed to hit me as I blocked the bullets with my sword.

"19... 18..." he said in a whisper as he started running in a different direction, but I was still able to hear it.

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