[Chapter III]

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Successfully making your way out of the castle, you start to feel the excitement in you stomach as you began walking into the street of castle town. It seems that every time you sneak out of the castle, it gets easier the next time. What you loved most about castle town is the pastries. 

Before leaving your room you grab your sack of rupees getting ready to spend it in this big town of yours. Your appetite coming back, you decide to head towards one of the bakeries closest to the castle. Opening the door with your small hands you enter Julia's Bakery. This is place was heaven, it had the best pastries you've ever tasted.

"Ah welcome little one, I'm glad to see you. I haven't seen you in a while so I was worried." Julia the owner of the shop said coming from the other side of the counter. She was fairly tall women with light brown hair with dark brown eyes. You still remember the first time you ever set foot in this place. It was like the goddesses have blessed you for being the best child in the world.

You walk up to the counter with a little skip in your step "I've just been busy at home with my studies that's all." You said looking at all the delicious treats that on the counter. "Well I'm certainly glad you came..." Julia said while turned around taking out the one of the pastries from the rack to give to you. "I've missed having you around." She said walking back to the counter setting your favorite dessert in front of you. Cinnamon rolls "This one is on the house" Julia said just as you were about to pull out your sack of rupees.

"Really! But I feel bad for not paying." You said with a pout. Julia let out a small laugh by how cute you were when you pout. " Its fine, I'm doing this cause I miss you. Where do you get such money anyways?" She asked leaning over the counter to pinch your cheeks.

Backing up with cinnamon roll before she could you lied. "I'm able to find some people who would allow me to work. I make money to help my family out, but have some left over." You say feeling a little guilty while doing so. " So you study and work! Wow I wish I had a child who was like you." She said with a dreamy expression.

"Yephm" You said stuffing the cinnamon roll into your mouth trying not to make yourself feel even more guilty than you were. "Whoa slow down there or you'll choke." Julia said leaning over the counter looking at you with an amused glint in her eyes. "Sorry" you said letting out a sigh of content after finishing the cinnamon roll. "You don't get much sweets do you kid?" Julia asked with a small smile on her face. "No my mother says its bad for me, the only time we have dessert is when guests are over." You say wiping your face getting the glaze off your face.

"That's too bad. Well I got to get back to work, go have some fun with the other kids." Julia said while cleaning up the counter a bit. "Yes ma'am, thank you for the dessert." You say while making your way to the exit waving at her.

Making your way through castle town you decide to play some town games before heading back to the castle. You go to the part of town where they were plenty of kids to play with and plenty of games to have fun. Looking around you wonder what would you like to play with first. While in thought some kids brought you out of your thought you've played with these kids before. They called you over to play ball. Smiling you ran over towards them ready to have some fun.


"Huff huff" Your were running back to the castle, you've been having so much fun with the kids, you didn't even realize the time passing by. You missed lunch time with your family. Your surprised that the guards haven't started looking for you yet. 

Making your way to the gate, you sneak past the guards with ease trying to find the closest window to get inside the castle. Climbing into the window you head straight into your room quickly changing back to the dress you wore this morning and tossing your wallet onto your desk by the window. When you were about to head out in the corner of your eye you caught your reflection in the mirror. You had dirt all over your face, rushing into your bathroom you quickly wash all the dirt that was visible. Finally done freshening up you leave your room acting as you've been here all this time.

Walking through one of the hallways you come to an abrupt stop as you heard a voice from behind you. "Where were you?" You breath hitched at the sound of your fathers voice. Turning around you looked up to him. 

"W-what are you talking about?" You asked stuttering a little. " I-I was here the entire time." You said with a nervous smile looking up at your father who had a stone cold look on his face.

"Where. Were. You" he asked again glaring at you and his patients dwindling. "I've been looking for you for nearly eight hours, and you were no where to be seen."

"Why were you looking for me?" You asked in a small voice looking down at your feet.

"Your mother was worried about you, since you didn't eat much this morning." He said getting angrier each second "Because of your stupidity I barely got any work done." You flinch when he said those words. "It doesn't even matter why you were gone, just don't do it again." He turned around heading towards the dining room for dinner. " Honestly why can't you be more like your sister." With those words your head snapped up looking wide eyed at his back.

He expected you to follow him to the dining area, but when he turned around you were standing in the same spot. "Aren't you coming to eat dinner?"

"No I'm not hungry" You said while walking back to your room shutting your door. He didn't even stop you, after standing there for a while staring where you once were, he let out a sigh before turning back around heading towards the dining room alone.


You were in your room your face against the pillows as you laid their in your bed. You don't know how long you've been in your room. No one has come to get you for dinner. Your father was probably the one responsible for that. Your father 'Honestly why can't you be more like your sister.'  Those words rung in your head and each time you heard it,  your heartstrings were being pulled in painful ways inside your chest. What a father he is you thought in the back of your mind as you turned your body so you were laying on your back.

Staring up at the ceiling you wonder why you still get hurt by his words. Your also wondering why he was always so strict with you. He treated Zelda like the princess she is. Is it because you came from a different mother? Was it because.... because he doesn't think you were really apart of this family? Putting your arm over your eyes you force yourself out of that mindset, but then you thought of something you knew you shouldn't be thinking about.

What if....

What if you left?

What if you left the castle and don't return? Your father wouldn't care, he doesn't love you anyway. Sitting up you came to realization.

You were going to run away.



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