[Chapter X]

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It had taken you a couple days for you to get rid of the nasty fever you had gotten from the wound the was on the side of your abdomen, and it took a week for the wound to heal. Your arm was still bandaged as it was still recovering from the fall you've taken. Ilia had taken care of you making sure you were well taken care of. She wouldn't let you leave the be until she was sure you were ready to be walking around. You were a bit weak but that didn't stop you, you weren't one to lay in bed for two weeks, you had to do something.

The first thing you did when you were allowed to walk around the town was go visit Garnet who was in the field with the supposed goats that were here. Ilia had guided you there watching you carefully you looking a little bit helpless with the bandaged arm that was in an make shift armrest that hung around your shoulder. 

You both made your way into Ordon Ranch stopping seeing Link herding in the goats. Ilia had introduce Link to you while he came to visit Ilia in her house. Ilia told you that he was the one who saved you from the bokoblins that were hording you. You thanked him showing your gratitude. In the back in your mind you swore you had taken out the bokoblins that were surrounding you.

 By now Link was done with the goat herding. You snapped out of your thoughts turning your head seeing Garnet resting by the fence away from all the action. You smiled rushing up to him ignoring the boy who was making his way towards the both you and Ilia. Garnet had noticed the fast paced steps that made his way towards him. He turned his head immediately getting up making his way to you. You missed him greatly, you've haven't seen him in two weeks since you were in a horrible condition. 

When you both made it to each other you hugged his neck with your good arm almost getting teary eyed. "I'm sorry" You mumbled to him eyes closed happy that he was alright. Even though it wasn't your fault, you felt like you had to apologize for being gone for so long. You held onto him for a while petting his mane. The only reason you let go is because you heard footsteps behind you.

You let go turning around coming face to face with Link and Ilia. They were both smiling at the reunion of you and Garnet. 

"I see someone's happy." Ilia said smiling at the affection you showed Garnet.

"It's been awhile since I saw him." You said looking back at him when he nudged you for attention you petting him on the snout giving your full attention to him. How could you not after not seeing him for two weeks. You loved him way too much, you don't know what you would've done if he was- 'No, I can't think like that.'

You turned back around towards Link and Ilia bowing with much gratitude. "Thank you both, for all the things you've done for me. How can I repay you guys back?" 

"W-Wait please don't bow. It really isn't a big deal. And you don't need to pay us back." Ilia said a bit surprised by the sudden action.

"Please, I insist." you said still bowing down. You've never bowed down to anyone before, it was usually people bowing down to you. But that was a long time ago.

"I mean you can herd in the goats in my stead." Link said only to get elbowed by Ilia "What? She said she'll do anything" 

"No she didn't." Ilia said frowning at Link at his request. "Plus her arm is broken."

"I can do it!" You said bringing your head quite fast.

"No! No your not." Ilia said with a stern voice.

"I'm saying if she wants to do it let her do it." Link said in a casual tone. He had his arms crossed not even looking at you.

"You make it seem like you don't want to do it." Ilia said with a grin on her face. Link didn't say anything and only stayed in the same position and arms still crossed. "What, was I right?"

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