[Chapter XV]

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"I'm gonna find you [Y/n]!" A boy with dark brown hair and bright green eyes said aloud in the gardens of  the castle.

You only hid behind a bush an annoyed look on your face. 'Ugh this kid again!" You thought while trying to hide away from him. You respected the Admiral, but why was his kid so annoying. He wouldn't stop pestering you! 'If I could just make it to my spot, I'll be alone for a little while.' You said in your thoughts.

You began to walk to the direction to where your spot was. You sneakily walked through the gardens passing the guards that were stationed there. None of the questioned you as they thought it was a common thing for you to be playing around. You weren't even supposed to be out here. Your father wanted you to be studying the history of hyrule, but you were worn out and Thomas wasn't helping.

You sped walk when you didn't see Thomas in sight. You had your journal in your hand with a pen(Completely different journal). You wanted to finish your drawing that you've been working on for a while now. You've never had time to finish it, because your father gave you more work when you eighth birthday passed. You decided that you wanted time of your own. But when Thomas figured out you were in the gardens, he just had to see you.

"Honestly, what's wrong with that boy?!" You grumbled to yourself finally making it to a tree that gave lots of shade. You sat down under the tree opening you journal. You flipped to the page where you unfinished drawing taking the pen to the page. 

You delicately outlined the sketch that you had prepared last time you drew. Thomas has left your mind completely as you focused on your drawing. You were glad that you had gotten permission to take a break. You finally get to finish your drawing of a lilac flower. If you ever had time to color it in, it would split into two colors of White, and Violet.

White meant that there is purity and innocence, violet meant the one had spirituality. This was a good mixture that you wanted in yourself. To be one that is innocence but have the spirituality that could balance it.

You were just about done when you heard something behind you. You didn't like that since your back was against a tree. You closed your journal getting up about to check when someone jumped right in front of you from behind the tree.

"Found ya!"

You yelped as you fell back from how tight your dress was. You fell on your back, while your head barely stopped before it could hit. But that doesn't mean that you didn't go out unscathed. Your right elfish ear made contact with a sharp end of steel that was mostly buried and hidden in the ground. You didn't know it was there as it was cover by the grass. The steel made a long deep cut from the base of your ear to close to the tip.

You cried out in pain holding onto your ear feeling liquid fall from new found wound

"Oh No! [Y/n] are you okay? I didn't mean for this to happen!" Thomas said panicking seeing blood leaking from your hand. He went to help you up, and you accepted his helpfulness. "We should get you to the infirmary inside the castle." He said guiding you away from the area.

You were brought inside the infirmary the doctor already getting to work. Thomas went to go tell your sister what happened. You were left alone with the doctor as he began to stitch up the open wound. You flinch here and there but was able to stay still for most of the process. "There you go, once it's healed, it'll look as it never happened." The doctor said with a cheerful voice.

"Thank you doctor." You said with a smile as you tried to touch the wound.

"You shouldn't do that, you don't want it to get infected do you?" He asked gently pulling your hand away from your ear. You shook your head looking up at him.

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