[Chapter VIII]

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"Come on Talo, give it back."

"If you want it so bad why don't you take it."

There were kids playing around a tree house. One kid was pushing a boy away from him giving him little interest and focusing on an object in his hand.

"Why do you even have a hook. Isn't this dangerous to have around?"

"I'm making a fishing rod so give it back!"

They didn't get very far in their little rendezvous as a ginger horse came rushing out of the forest.

"WOAH!!" The boy in a red bandanna yelled out as the horse made it's way inside of the village. "Come on guys, let's go follow it." The boy continued dropping the hook and ran after the horse with the rest of the kids but one. The boy who stayed behind picked up his hook before running after the others.

The horse made it's way through the village houses almost bumping into the villagers. The villagers backed up in surprise and reflexes not wanting to get tramped over by the horse. The villager saw as the village kids follow the horse as the horse made it's way up a hill. The fiery maned horse jumped over a fence into a field of goats.

"What the in the name hylia?!" The owner of the ranch cried out moving out of the way as the ginger horse went straight towards him.

A teenage hylian sitting down right next to his horse caught what was going on immediately getting up from his spot jumping into action. He ran towards the horse mounting the horse trying to calm down the horse. The horse began to calm down and the boy started to soothe the horse. The owner of the ranch came up to him giving him praise.

"Wow Link your really somethin'..." He looked at the horse that he was on "... Where did this young lad come from anyways?" The man finished. This got Links attention instantly. Where did the horse come from he wondered.

"I don't know Fado I'll go check it out." Link said getting off the horse. "Watch the horse while I'll go look around." When he said that, the village children came running towards the closed gate.

"Ahh, we missed all the fun, thanks a lot Colin." The boy with the red bandanna said pushing the other boys shoulder with a little force. "Fado open the gates please." One of the kids said. The owner listened taking out a key and opening the gate.

Link got on top of his horse readying to see whats going on. "Well I'm off, guys keep an eye on the horse." He said before commanding his horse off. " Let's go Epona." He made his way into the village stopping to talk to some of the villagers to see what was going on. He was able to get a sword from one of the other villager before making his way out.

He passed his house making his way into the forest passing the spring. He stopped upon what he saw. There was a person surround by monsters. They were on their stomach but were flipped over by the monsters. There was evidence that the person had put up a fight seeing a bow next to the person, and arrows scattered everywhere. They were about to drag the person but was stopped by him taking them all out instantly. He saw arrow coming from far away dodging it while grabbing the bow and an arrow from the ground shooting at the direction the fire arrow came from. He heard a screech deep in the woods confirming that he has shot down the hidden shooter. 

Standing in silence for awhile, he listened if there was any other monsters out there lurking close by. There was no noise coming from any of the surroundings he turned toward the figure knocked out cold. The first thing he checked for was injuries. Looking he found one on the persons abdomen and one of the hands were bruising up badly. The person had cuts and bruise around here and there. And looking very closely, he found out that the person right in front of him was a women. The girl had [h/l], [h/c] hair and she had [s/c].

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