[Chapter XVIII]

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You were sitting down on a rock. Your left hand was holding up your head as you looked away from the man who was patching up your arm. Your trench coat was hanging on the sign right next to his tree house.

Link was sitting down next to your right side. He gently wrapped bandages around your arm, making sure the wound was cleaned before he did so. He made sure the bandage was tight, but not suffocating. He was doing this so professionally, you wonder how many times he's done this. Even though you were curious, you weren't going to ask. You let him continue what he was doing while you looked at nothing in particular.

Link gained your attention by speaking. "Alright, all done." He said tying the bandage. You turned your head a bit to look at him.

"Thank you." You mumbled looking away again. You only sat on the rock, not wanting to start a conversation. But..... You told yourself that you would apologize to him. You were conflicted with your thoughts as both of you were next to each other in an awkward silence. You were about to say something, but Link beat you to it.

"I know I said this already, but I'm sorry." He said.

You looked back at him seeing him turned away. "Why are you apologizing? You didn't really do anything bad." You said looking at him. He looks back at you before he began to talk.

"I'm saying sorry for the way I've been acting towards you." He said in a soft voice as he continued looking at you. "It wasn't acceptable, especially for a guest." He finished off.

You gave out a hum of acknowledgment while nodding your head a bit as you looked at the ground. "I want to apologize to you too, I've been a little rude to you even thought you're tried to apologize once, and for that I'm sorry." You said looking back at him. 

He smiled at you before speaking. "I'll accept your apology." He said getting up from his spot. He stretched his hand towards you. "I'm glad we're making progress." 

You looked at his hand before smiling and accepting the offer. You grabbed his hand having him pull you up. "I'm glad we're making progress as well." You said while smiling at him. 

"Well lets get back, Garnet will be alright here." Link said letting go of your hand.

You agreed with him following him back to the village once you grabbed your bag. You both walked slowly while you both asked questions about each other. You found out that he was a year older than you. You were actually enjoying yourself for once around his presence which was making you very happy.

The both of you met up with Ilia and Junior in front of her house once all of you were done with the introduction around the town and the progress you and Link were making. It was getting dark and it was decided that you were to stay with Ilia while Junior stayed with Link. You wondered if Link was actually okay with this since Ilia made the decision. He seemed to accept it well though.

All of you said your goodbyes before splitting up into your respected housing areas. Ilia grabbed your arm before pulling you towards her house. "Come on, we have a lot to talk about [F/n]!" She said excitedly pulling you inside the house. She hurried you inside of her room rushing you inside to take your bag off your shoulder. You took your bag off but not without it hitting your wound. You made a slightly pained face but not enough for Ilia to notice.

You sat down once you took your bag off your shoulder getting comfortable on the mattress. "So what do you want to know?" You asked taking off your trench coat.

"I want to know everything!" Ilia said.

"Well I don't know what to say..." You said trailing off into your thoughts. Nothing really happened that you could openly tell her. "Nothing really happened other than I had to stay home until I came here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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