[Chapter XIV]

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Hyrule Castle


"I'm sorry your majesty, but there was no sign of her at any of the leads we were given." Barrett said kneeling before the royal family. Barrett was more than devastated realizing that the led was a dead end and so was there family.

"Stand up Captain." The King said to the man before him. "You've done all you can, why don't you rest and see your family for a couple days." He continued once Barrett was on his two feet.

"I will not until she is found." Barrett said with new found determination.

"Then it is an order Captain, it's been way too long since you've had a break, now is the time with the festivals only weeks away. Have your troops take a week off too." The King said with his booming voice.

"Yes your majesty." Barrett said before bowing down to his king.

"You're dismissed."

The captain stood straight before making his way out of the throne room. Once out of sight, the king put a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "How is this possible?" He said to himself getting a headache from just one piece of information. He didn't know what to do anymore. 'How can she be so well hidden?!'

"Dear? Are you alright?" The queen asked looking her husband seeing the look on his face.

"Yes darling, It's just a little headache, nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes darling." The king let out a long sigh before dropping his hand. He looked over to his wife who was looking at him. "Do you think we'll find her?"

"Of course we will, we have to." The queen said with the same determination that Barrett had just a moment ago.

They would've continued talking, but were interrupted by their oldest daughter. "May I be excused to my room?"

"Oh course honey, you should go rest up." Zelda's mother told her. Zelda stood up and bowed to the two before heading off to her room. She never liked talking about her younger sister disappearance. It hurt too much to think about. Her only sister gone and vanished, the one who would have conversation with her late at night.

Basically her best friend.

She could never talk about her sister with other people. If someone were to bring it up, she would change the subject quickly. Everyone knew this, her parents, the workers, and the people. She was never the same once you left.

Zelda made it to her room opening and closing the door once she entered. She made her way to her desk she had in her room where she kept important documents and other things that included paper or decorations. One of those things was a small box on her desk. She picked it up opening it. Inside were some stud triforce earrings, they were part of a matched set. You had the others, but she wondered if you still had them.

She bit her lip forcing back tears. Every time she thought of you, she would get really emotional about it. She didn't want anyone to go through what she had. Her only wish is to see her sister one more time. Zelda heard a knock at her door, making her set down the box.

"Come in."

The door opened and a man in his teens walked in. He had dark brown hair that ran down to just below his ears. His eyes were as green as the fields of Hyrule. "Can you tell why I was called Princess?"

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