[Chapter V]

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You couldn't believe it, tomorrow was your birthday, you were turning 17 years of age. 5 years away from home, its unbelievable that you were able to hidden for so long. As news goes they were still looking for you. But you've grown over the past 5 years, you were almost an adult. How were they going to be able to recognize you when your nearly an adult. Peoples appearances change when the years go by and that includes you. You grew to around 5'7 to 5'8 inches, your curves becoming more defined with muscle, and your face having sharp features and not the chubby face you had back then. Lets not forget that your sword skills had improved remarkably. 

It turns out that Jarvis knew how to use a sword and he was incredible at it too! Jarvis would be traveling around Hyrule but when he visited you two would practice with your swords. He even taught you how to use a bow and was impressed by how fast you learned. After both of you made it to the hidden village you were introduced to everyone there. Having no where Jarvis let you stay with him at his grandmothers house. Her name was Impaz and she was just the sweetest little thing. She treated you like you were her own child. You were actually going to go visit her right now. She wanted you to come home so you could both celebrate your birthday. 

You were on your horse Garnet, His coat was chestnut and he had a red fire type mane. You met him when Jarvis came back with an extra horse. He was abandoned by his owner who couldn't afford to take care of him. Jarvis happened to spot him when he was on his way back, feeling remorse brought him along giving him to you. He honestly was a beautiful horse. 

He was walking slowly towards his way home with you on his back. There was no need to rush things, so you decided to take your time, you were coming from Kakariko Village after dropping off some meat in exchange for rupees. You decided to become a hunter preferably a bounty hunter be it animal or hylian. For hylians you only capture and turn them, you don't have the guts to kill one of your own kind. With animals you do feel bad but you do need the pay. You make a decent amount rupees for doing this job, and you actually enjoy it. Funny this is, your family set a reward of 20,000 rupees for whoever could bring you back.

As Garnet was taking you back hone your thoughts go towards your family. Specifically your mother and sister. You miss them dearly, you wondered how they've been doing, you hope they were alright. Your sad that you don't get to see them again, but you don't regret leaving.  This is the best thing you could've done for yourself. Being in that castle has been more than enough for you. 

You pushed yourself out of your thoughts when you realized that you were almost there. Making your way through the rocky terrain, going through the passage that led to the village you called home. You made it to Impaz house taking Garnets reigns and leading him to a stable near by. Before you left, you petted him before making your way inside the house.

"Hello, anyone home?" You called closing the door before making your way to the living room. Impaz was sitting in her rocking chair looking up from her book to look over at you. 

" Oh [f/n] your back already" Impaz said standing up with a big smile on her face. She walked up to you and gave you a hug. " I'm so glad your here, I've missed you so much." For quite the old women, she had some strength. " I missed you too Impaz" You say hugging her back. Both of you let go of each other once she starts speaking again. " Your journey must've been long, how about you go and rest while I go and make you something."

"No no no, you don't have to." You said while shaking your head, "But I insist, now why don't you go and rest up and I'll call you when your food is ready" She said pushing you towards your room. "But-" 

"No buts, I want you to relax as much as you can." Impaz said finally getting you into your room.  You let out a sigh once she closed leaving you to have your privacy. You decided to take a shower before anything else. Grabbing some comfortable clothing, you head towards your bathroom locking the bathroom door in the process. You set down your clean close on the counter before taking off your clothes that you use for adventuring. Stepping into the shower/bath you turn on the water that's connected to an outside bin filled with water. It's mid afternoon so the water should be fairly warm.

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