Chapter 1- Test your metal

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I'd like to say thank you for giving the book here a chance and I do hope you enjoy it all the way to the end, there'll be information and translations at the very end.

Also, this story is always under constant editing to fix, or replace a few things here and there but it won't be major. But simple fixes and edits like grammar mistakes and information adding/adjusting.

All in all as I said it means a lot that you're taking time out of your day to read this story, and without further a due, I give you the story! :)
"Operation Sonnenblume is to commence shortly. Erwin I want you to get the 21st and 7th Panzer battalions out there, we're to reinforce the Italians then move onto Kasserine pass before the Italians are flanked." OberKommando der Wehrmacht says to Erwin and the other man sitting there.

"Hans, get your motorized infantry out there, you all know where to set up and all know where and what to do. Get a move on" the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht orders.

**Wehrmacht Afrika corps HQ May 10th 1943**

Ghost division 21st Panzers and motor-rifle brigade 62th

It's dark outside at the camp of North of Tripoli, a cool desert breeze has been flowing over the dunes of sand as time seems to be slowly moving along.

Towards the middle of the camp at the communications tent/center, Major Karl Kriesser and Colonel Anton Schmid along with communication and plotting officers. Are setting up the maps for the route advancement in 3 hours toward El Aphelia.


"Ja herr?" Karl asks looking up from the map.

"Assemble the platoon leaders" Anton says.


1st Lieutenant Weber along with Feldwebel Kristian stand outside restlessly with a few others. Both men are reaching their early 30s,well built and at average of 6 foot with their blue eyes.

Seeing Karl approach the men around the small fire salute. Returning it Karl stops and looks at them saying.

"Lieutenant, Feldwebel. Round up the platoon leaders outside the communications tent." He orders.

"Ja herr!" they reply moving off to carry out the order.

Asleep on a cot in the officers section of the camp, Panzer commander Lt. Kris Maus is asleep. But now he's being shaken awake by a officer.

"Lieutenant, platoon leaders are being summoned" the Captain says sternly and roughly waking up the man.

Outside the 10 platoon leaders are ranked mainly all Lieutenants that are standing at ease. There's 3 company commanders which are the 3 majors, including Karl. The OIC or the battalion commander is the Colonel Anton.

"We're going to meet up with Rommel further ahead, there we'll roll out in 2 hours... Assemble quarter's get everyone fed." Anton says.

2 hours later men are mounting in troop transports or half tracks while the Panzerkampf tankers have formed up in their tanks.

"Panzer vor!" Kris calls giving the order as his 6 tanks he's in charge of lurch forward.

The engine on their Panzer however chokes out. After 2 more tries the engine sputters to life and the driver puts the pedal to the metal to catch up and their Panzer lunges forward quickly catching up.

Standing up and out of the commanders' hatch Kris has a smile on his face with the wind blowing in his face.

In one of the halftracks a young looking boy breaks the silence asking "Herr? Do you know where we're going?"

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