Chapter 40

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Hua's POV

They are taking their time alright 😒
I'm getting bored while me and Sato hanging out together at his living room. Mina and Kaito in the other hand were having a private talk. Sato seems to be happy though. "Yow what happened" I said. "I just got my wife" He said. Good for you I guess🙄 I'm too bored to have this conversation. "How about you? What happened?" He asked.

"Well there's a lot, first Mina defeated Camille so technically I'm free now, second we met Kaito's Mom" I said. "Well yeah it's true, Kaito met his mom and had a fight with her. What a day alright" He said
That's true though. This day, a lot of things happened I think I want to have a break. "Say do you want some break too?" I asked. "Yeah how about we go to a beach after sport fest!" He said. "Great! I have this private cabin in an island with 2 bedrooms King sized I'll tell my dad about it" I said

Then Mina showed up. She was a bit worried after their talk. "Let's Go home" I said. Mina and I went outside, she was relieved though but you can't erase the worried face on her. "Hey let's have a double date at the beach Sato already agreed so we'll be going" I said. She smiled and nodded, she didn't speak a word so I'll give her space for now. We left Sato and Kaito together I don't know what they'll do but they are grown ups after all.

Sato's POV. Next day

I'm at the parking area loading the back seat of my car with blue rose for Kaito. He's gonna love it 😊 "So Kaito and you are a thing now" a woman voice, I didn't looked back to see who it was cause I'm busy at the car. "Yes!" I said happily. "So what's it like?" She said. "Well I can't described it" I said. Then I realized Kaito just answered me yesterday and the people know about us were Mina and Hua. Then who the Freak! Is this? I turn around to see who it was. I was startled "Hi ma'am" Nervously I said.

It was Kaito's Mom but we haven't met before, basically I met her at the hospital and I saw her having a fight with Kaito but I never had the chance to personally talked to her in person a formal one. I'll just pretend that I don't know her 😅"Yes? do I know you ma'am?" I asked. "Don't play dumb with me, I know that you already know me. I even hired someone to stalk the both of you" She said. I'm getting frightened😅 She sounded so proud and dignified as if she was standing in a firm ground. I felt so useless

"What do you want from me Ma'am?" I asked. "Don't call me ma'am call me Auntie from now on" She said. I felt a bit embarrassed to say that and awkward at the same time. She wasn't so bad though unlike what Kaito told me. She knew about us and now she wanted me to call her Auntie, am I missing something? 🤔 "Let me cut the chase let's have lunch shall we?" She said. I was having a goosebumps as if some guillotine was waiting for me if I followed her.

I have no choice though 😅 I don't know what are we going to talk about but I guessed this involves Kaito for sure. " I'll go text Kaito" I said nervously

Kaito's POV

I was busy at my school projects when suddenly my phone rings. I looked at my phone to see but it was just Sato. I opened the message, he said that he will go somewhere. He also also asked me what food should he bring. How cute 😊 I texted him to bring me some curry not spicy and some dumplings.

"Stop that!" Hua pissedly said. "OK ok I'm sorry" I said. Hua and I were on the same group. He is our leader as we voted but I'm his assistant unfortunately😅 I really don't want to but he asked that if he will be the leader then I'll be his assistant. It backfires to me so I play along. We were working on an essay about the school's teaching system. "Hey guys can I ask if we can do some interviews in that way we could gain knowledge and finish this essay as quickly as possible" One of our team mate asked.

"Yeah sure! Kaito and I will interview some students while some of you interview the staffs" Hua commanded. He was assigning everyone what Will be asked and what would be the goal. As the discussion keeps on going a boy stood up and asked if we could do it now so that we don't waste our time. Everyone agreed so everyone in pair immediately left the meeting place. "Did you recorded everything that we discussed?" Hua asked me. "Oh! Yeah!" I said.

I showed him what we discussed, the plan and the frame work of our essay would be. The content and even our assigned topics. Then a boy passed through us, "That's perfect! Let's interview him" Hua said.  We interviewed a few students so far and we've gained a lot of data already. The other team mates haven't returned yet and I'm a bit thirsty. Mina came with 2 pink milk and 1 cold coffee. She gave 1 pink milk to me and the coffee to Hua. It taste so good, my thirst was quenched.

"Hey guys good work for today how about a break? Tell your team mates to submit the soft copy to you online. Let's have lunch" Invited by Mina. Now that she mentioned it we haven't eat lunch. We were so busy on the meeting that we passed the time. We started the interview that we didn't even noticed the time. Is that why no one came back yet? 🤔 It's because they ate first then they do some interviews? When we were about to leave and head to the parking area where Hua's car was parking Sato came with curry.

"What are you doing with my wife?" He dashed to me and blocked Hua and Mina. "What are you doing? Why did you shouted that?" I whispered. I pinch his waist causing him to bend a little and shouted in pain. "We were about to eat lunch want to join?" Mina asked. Hua giggled a bit when he saw me pinching Sato for being overactive.

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