Chapter 30

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Mina's POV

I was hanging around on my bed while reading some magazine. My face was covered by a charcoal peeling mask while I'm tucked in. I was trying to relax for a while after a week full of work. 😩😩😩 I definitely need a day off, I think I don't want to attend rehearsal yet. The girls can understand and I think they'll asked me for a break too

My feet are sore and my nails are dead even my hair has split ends all over it. I was wearing a sport bra and a mini short while covered by a bath robe. My hair are buned by a towel. It was already midnight and everything is dark. The only light was coming from my lamp next to me. As I was reading some magazine I happened to turn the page to men's section where they wear only underwear.

Uwu 🤭🤭🤭 I was staring at their packs and damn they are so hot. Some pictures have bulges I was feeling a bit embarrassed but I'm just alone on my room so 🤭🤭🤭 I saw some ripped muscular body and those tough packs as if they were bread. I was getting blushed while looking at them. There were hair ones and there were handsome ones. When suddenly my phone rings. I immediately closed the magazine's page and threw it away. I was getting a bit nervous, someone was calling me.

I answered the phone nervously, I wished it wasn't Hua🙁 "Hello?" I asked. "Mina it's me Kaito!" He said. "You freaked me out you know!" I said
Good thing it wasn't Hua or else I'll feel a bit guilty😅 "I'm sorry, we need to talk" From the voice of Kaito he was kinda anxious, his voice a bit shakey and he was calling me at 11:30 pm. There's something wrong and as A friend I can feel it "About what?" I said. "Well... Do you remember the time we talked about his suspicious acts around me?" He said.

Yeah I remembered that, it happened when I felt a bit sleepy. We were on my room back then when Camille suddenly showed up. "Yeah...why?" Does he intend to tell me what really happened? 🤔 "Well you see he told me earlier about everything" He said. Now I'm getting curious I want him to spill the tea out. 🤭🤣"Come on tell me every detail" I said
I was becoming nosy about his life 🤣🤣🤣
After 30 minutes of call Kaito ended the phone cause he was sleepy.

I was shocked while listening to him and I couldn't erase from my mind what Kaito revealed to me.

Now I'm enlighten about everything. Sato admitted that He banged Kaito that night when I swapped the drinks. I didn't told him that Sato planned to drug the girls and I'm responsible for the swapping of drinks 😅 then that means the drugged vodka was given to Kaito. I'm sorry friend it was me all along I won't meddle your life anymore I'll just listen and comfort you from now on hehehe😅 Sato was tailing him cause he wanted Kaito's attention. He even gave Kaito a soda 🤭🤭🤭 I'm like reading some BL stories. Sato also confessed to him 🤗🤗🤗

Kaito was confused about everything and he couldn't answer Sato yet. He was kind of feel awkward after the confession and Kaito don't know what to do or how to react. So all this time Sato was refusing his own desire and persue Kaito instead. I think he wasn't joking about Kaito cause I saw the result and I also saw the changes. I wonder what happened if Kaito said yes🤔 I can't even comprehend the future for both of them. I just wished Sato would be loyal to my friend and be a trustworthy. Kaito experienced quite a lot. He always claimed that he was alone and Grunkle adopted him although the truth is Kaito is Grunkle's grandson. His parents divorced after their first born son died and his dad died of an accident after that.

His mom found a new lover and persue it with a foreigner. She left Kaito to Grunkle's care. Poor Kaito good thing I was with him from before. I won't let that happened again. I won't let Kaito to be alone and won't let things fall apart. If I need to be strict to Sato then I'll do it. I'll protect Kaito and support him. I finished my skin care routine and about to sleep when suddenly my phone rings again. Ugh 😫I looked at my phone to see who it was and it was just a FREAKING NETWORK! Telling me to reload my phone tsk.

WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING MY SLEEP! YOU INSIGNIFICANT PEST! I calmed myself down and tucked in. When I was about to sleep AGAIN my phone rings AGAIN!! It's better be important
I looked at my phone and got pissed. It was just a random promo 💢💢 I'm on my bed and about to close my eyes when suddenly MY FREAKING PHONE RINGS AGAIN THE FREAKING NOTIFICATION WHAT THE HECK! I looked at it and saw it was just a RANDOM NOTIFICATION FROM OTHER APPS. I'm really really REALLY FRUSTRATED now so I took a deep breath and exhale. I wiped my phone gently and I smiled at it. I opened my phone and took the battery out.

I kept the battery then I threw the phone hitting my wall. It took some damage but I can buy a new phone tomorrow. Then when I was about to sleep I remembered that I haven't activated my alarm clock.

As I took my alarm clock I saw the time and it was 2:15 in the morning. I was so pissed because my class will start at 7 am and I still have less than 3 hours of sleep before 5. At 5 am I always took time to prepare my things so I won't be late. I THREW MY FREAKING ALARM CLOCK, I can buy another one anyways. I slept and I don't give a care anymore. 💢💢💢

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