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I was lucky enough to get Chintan, Karan, Aishwarya and Neil and they were equally happy in the group for the final film.

"How do you afford this palce again?", Neil made himself in comfortable.

"I'm a scholarship student", I eyed him.

"You? Scholarship? Huh!", Neil scoffed.

"I know you take me for a fool but I'd better grades than you in any standard give or take", I say, holding the notepad and looking at it. "Ideas, shoot", I bit my lip looking at everyone.

"I think we must decide a genre first of all", Chintan suggested taking the samosas on the table which Karan got with himself.

"Don't keep it social like educate the girl child", Karan jerked back, laying down in Aishwarya's lap, holding his phone which reminded me of Darshan laying in Dhriti's lap.

"Dude, are you ever serious about anything?", Neil looked at Karan.

"I know you're new to this Nitesh or whatever your name is but I contribute like this only so make yourself home", Karan, without looking at Neil answered, and Chitan looked at me.

"Guys, stop quarreling so that we get some work done", Aishwarya told, her fingers moving on her phone screen and I sighed.

Was anyone interested? No.

Was this important? Yes.

Was I losing my shit? Fucking yes.

I was motivated for like five minutes. I'd an idea but it was expensive. It included travelling to Delhi and going into literal women trafficking which was:

A. Very risky.

B. Out of the budget. Obvio.

C. Not worth for a college film. It needs to go big and national.

But it was a great idea. At least I thought so. I wanted people to address what happens, daily in day and at night.

Maybe if I sometime can wrap a head around it sometime, I'll write it down and if I'm lucky and the scrip it good it'll be produced but till then new topic.

Neil suggested some idea but they were all related to romance and Chintan wasn't so sure about it whereas Aishwarya and Karan being the actors had nothing to do with the creative discussion.

"Mental illness", Chitan shot and Neil and I gave each other the 'nope' look. "Then what guys?", Chitan frustratedly said.

"It's too clichéd now. Everything is about mental illness so it has lost the importance just like cancer movies", Neil commented.

The bell rung. I hate attending people.

"I'll get that", I kept the notepad lying on the sofa and walked till the door. As I opened it, my eyes couldn't believe the scene I was seeing.

"Hi, Dhriti", I pushed a smile immediately.

"Hi, I'm sorry to come here without letting you know", Dhriti said and I shook my hard instantly.

"Oh, no. Its cool", I shrugged. "Come on in", I offered her.

"No, Tara thanks for asking! I am in a bit of a rush", she told me and I listened. "I came here to invite you. Although, I know you and Darshan aren't talking these days but Dhruwal insisted", she fetched something in her bag and took out an invitation. She extended it and I held it, gazing at it.

"Birthday party", I exclaimed.

"You make it sound like it's a kid's party", Dhriti said, sarcastically and I could quite catch that. "You're invited!", she added and I slightly nodded.

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