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    The day was boring, just like any other, and a certain powerful apparition was trying to entertain herself a little. (Y/N) was in Tsuchigomori's classroom as he was teaching, floating around him trying to distract him. She picked up one of the pieces of chalk for the back blackboard, and drew a few little doodles in the corner so no students would question the sudden appearance of anything. Tsuchigomori tried getting a better look at it while teaching without giving himself away, but he just sighed quietly and droned on. A few students looked as though they were about to fall asleep, and some already were napping with their faces propped up on their hands.

    "Tsu-sensei, want me to do something about that?" the troublesome ghost asked, and he did his best to subtly shake his head. (Y/N) looked disappointed, and she let a smile fall from her face.

    "But Tsuuuu, I know how much you hate people sleeping through your lectures. So," her hakujoudai snaked around the arms of all the kids sleeping, "I don't see why this would be a problem." (Y/N) smiled innocently as Tsuchigomori tried to call her off silently, knowing his efforts would be in vain.

    "Calm down, you know I wouldn't hurt them! I'm just having a little fun is all," she said. All at once, several individual bangs were heard as the hakujoudai pulled away the arms of every napping student and their heads fell to their desks. All the kids that weren't affected attempted to stifle their laughter, but a few rather loud students failed.

    And of course the ghost to cause this couldn't help herself. It was all she could do to keep herself afloat while tears of laughter appeared at the edges of her vision. She had been right in front of one of the kids whose head had fallen and the utter shock and confusion that were on his features. As she attempted to calm herself down, her hakujoudai returned to her, once more becoming a small white orb keeping close.

    "Welcome back, everyone. Perhaps you all will pay attention rather than have a beauty rest in this class now. Turn your books to page 358. Hoshiko-kun, read the first few paragraphs," Tsuchigomori told him. (Y/N) couldn't help but see the faint smile that was shown on the teacher's face. The boy in front of (Y/N) turned the pages and began to read out loud, but she never got a chance to continue messing with Tsuchigomori's class. Her hakujoudai both spun around her, enveloping her in a thin mist. The teacher glanced at where she had been.

    I guess she's been summoned again, he thought. I wonder who it could be...

    (Y/N) appeared in her stall just as a young boy knocked for the final time and said, "Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?" She creaked open the door as she always had, floating expertly over the top, almost like she was doing a somersault underwater.

    "I'm heeere~" she said, throwing her voice around the room. She landed silently behind the boy as he began to look frantically around for the owner of the voice. He turned around and froze, seeing (Y/N)'s translucent form. His amber eyes widened fearfully, and his mouth was agape. She noticed the bandages wrapped around his arms and the little gauze patch on his left cheek.

    "Y-you're real!" he stammered. The sun shone through her, and he could see the mirrors and sinks behind her. She had (h/l), (curly/straight/wavy), (h/c) hair, a long sleeved, button-up white shirt with a small black tie, a knee-length dark red skirt, and black dress shoes. The brown-haired boy backed up, forgetting the stall door was open. He took a misstep and fell backwards, landing hard on his buttocks and looking up fearfully. The ghost looked at him and tilted her head.

    "Well yeah, of course I'm real," she looked down at her hands and smiled brightly at him, "Well at least I was last time I checked. Don't you think it's a little rude to walk into someone's space then tell them you didn't think they existed?" With that, his face flushed and he looked away from her in embarrassment.

    "I-I'm sorry, Hanako-san. I knew you existed, of course you do! Wh-why else would I have knocked? I-I heard about you from a couple of girls that didn't th-think you were real but here you are!" he blurted out, still not meeting her gaze. In fact, he seemed to be doing everything he could to avoid it. (Y/N) giggled at him, taking a few steps forward and patting his head.

    "No worries, it's not like I get summoned all that often. And you can't deny my existence now anyways!" She grabbed his wrist, careful to not accidentally grab onto the bandages, and pulled him up and out of the stall and into the light of the window. She let go of his wrist and hopped up to the windowsill. Despite crouching, she was still looking down at him. "Welcome to my humble abode! My name is Hanako-san of the Toilets, and I will grant one wish for you, for a reasonable price of course."

    She sat down cross legged, pulling out a notebook from a hidden pocket on the skirt and a pen from her shirt pocket.

    "So tell me, what's your name and your wish?" the ghost asked nonchalantly. She clicked the pen, and looked expectantly at the short brunet that stood before her. He met her gaze for a moment, then decided to admire the exceptionally clean floor.

    "My name is Amane Yugi, and. . . my wish is to go to the moon someday," he said, gaining a little excitement towards the end. He looked up at (Y/N) again. This time the girl saw something shine in those bright amber eyes. For now, she couldn't bring herself to tell him it wouldn't exactly be possible. It's not like I can leave the school, this wish is impossible! But, he's so happy. . . I'll figure something out. I have to. She closed her (e/c) eyes, and a small smile graced her features.

    "Alright kid. I'll find a way to make it happen."

So how was that? I'm pretty excited to go from here. Please let me know what you think, leave me feedback, vote if you want, point out mistakes, whatever you wanna do!

See you guys next time!

Before the Seven Mysteries (Amane x Reader) {Abandoned}Where stories live. Discover now