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    "You bonded with her?" Tiara whipped her head around to look at Amane, who was just as shocked as she was. He looked with panic at (Y/N), who had gladly taken the moment of reprieve to breathe a sigh of relief.

    "You bonded with an evil spirit? What was going through your dense skull? Now you're in danger of not only her, but every other supernatural that walks the near shore!" She had gotten up and was quickly approaching Amane. If the boy hadn't been the target of her frustration, he might have been able to laugh at the thought of hot steam shooting out of her ears. "It's just my luck someone like you would get involved and get in the way of family business!" Amane had backed against the wall, shrinking away from the fuming female. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and turned her attention to the apparition behind her. (Y/N) had grabbed onto her jacket to prevent her from reaching the poor boy.

    "I'm sure you've heard my rumor, Tiara. I granted him a wish, that was the price. Now would you leave my friend here alone? It's rather late and he would probably like to go home," she said with an innocent smile. The exorcist scowled at her and pulled the jacket away from the pesky spirit.

    "Don't think this will stop me from trying to exorcise you, 'Hanako.' The Minamotos haven't forgotten what you've done to us, and I will remove you at all costs." She looked grimly to Amane, who was still against the wall. Tiara's menacing aura was still present, and he didn't want to be anywhere near it. 

    "You've made a mistake, Yugi-kun, getting tangled up with supernaturals. Especially with her. I'll find a way to break that bond and save you, then dispose of her. You have my word." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away from the pair. (Y/N) stared with a dark look in her eyes as the blonde stalked away. When she had rounded a corner, the ghost furrowed her brow and pinched the bridge of her nose. Amane looked at her with concern and spoke hesitantly, which lifted her from her thoughts.

    "Is it true that if one of us dies, we both die?" His voice was a little shaky, and (Y/N) put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

    "Of course not. I didn't want to have to resort to that lie, but I didn't have much of a choice. Unless you wanted to watch me die my second time?" She raised her eyebrows and cocked her head at him teasingly, and he shook his head, refusing to make light of such a situation.

    "Why would I want to see that? You just became my friend, so I don't want to lose you like. . . like that," he said with a soft voice and sad amber eyes that wouldn't meet hers. (Y/N) leaned against the wall with him and put her arm over his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. He chose not to resist and let his head rest against the cold spirit.

    "I wasn't expecting all of this when I asked you to form the bond. I thought my plan would go a lot smoother but," she leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Amane, things are already getting out of hand. Go figure that right now is when my past comes back to haunt me. Talk about irony." She paused for a second, considering what to do.

    "It would save you a lot of trouble if we broke th—" she began, but the bandaged boy cut her off. He turned towards her, and she let her arm fall back to her side. She opened her (e/c) eyes and looked into his determined ones.

    "No, I'm staying bonded to you, Hana-chan. I want to help you get together that supernatural council to protect the school. Besides," He looked away. "I don't want you to be exorcised. You want to help the students here, and you didn't hesitate to try and protect me from Minamoto-senpai even though it meant you could've been seriously hurt." The girl's eyes softened at his words, and she nodded.

    "Then it's decided, for good now." He looked up at her, and she grinned.

    "You're stuck with me."

• • • •

    Tsukasa had decided to follow his older brother once school let out, hoping he would get to catch him on his date. At least, that's what he assumed it was. His brother had given some lame excuse about having to stay after school, so Tsukasa had taken it upon himself to figure out what was happening. He couldn't follow Amane into the bathroom without being seen, but he did investigate around the door. He had heard their conversation through it, and then a slight rush of wind was followed by silence. Curiosity got the better of him, so he opened up the door soon after, only to see that the two had disappeared.

    He was disappointed with this discovery, so he stayed back around the corner that was on the path to the outside gate. The boy had just been ready to give up when he heard the bathroom door open and the events transpire between the exorcist and the pair he'd been spying on. He was filled with hatred when (Y/N) told Tiara that Amane would die with her in the bond. What right did she have to do that to Amane?  he thought furiously. When he heard the exorcist walking away, he rushed the long way around to talk to her. The younger twin was hoping that she would be able to make good on her promise to free his brother.

    Tsukasa rounded the corner that should've put him on the exorcist's path, and ran into the tall high-schooler on accident. He fell on his butt, and his already messy school bag spilled a few papers. The boy didn't seem to notice. She looked down at him, and offered a hand him help up, but he was already back up on his feet.

    "Yugi-kun, did you decide to break your bond with that disgusting spirit? I can go back now and. . ." She turned to go back, then realized that the boy she had run into came from the opposite direction that Amane had been in. "You're not him," Tiara stated flatly, examining the boy that stood in front of her. He broke into a toothy grin. She was a little unsettled by his fangs, but elected to ignore that for the time being.

    "Nope, I'm Amane's twin brother: Tsukasa Yugi! I was following him around because he said he was having lunch with that girl, but they disappeared in the bathroom. I couldn't find them anywhere, so I hid so I could surprise them!" His expression suddenly went sour.

    "Then I heard what happened when you showed up, and it made me really angry. She could hurt Amane and she could let a lot of other things hurt him, too. . ." He looked up to the exorcist with hope. His eyes were wide like a puppy's. "Can I help you free my brother?"

    His eyes glinted in a way that told the girl that he wasn't giving the full story, but she had little choice with how complicated the situation had become. She needed someone who could get close to Amane and (Y/N). This fanged boy was the perfect solution. She held out a hand for him to shake.

    "Welcome to the team, Tsukasa-kun. You're going to be a huge help."

I had this written in like a night but I'm gonna wait a day to publish this. One, because you've all been spoiled with how often I upload. Two, because I'm too tired to go back and proofread right now, and I don't wanna publish shit. Oh yeah! Thank you for over 600 reads and to all you amazing people who have been voting! It makes me super happy to see my brainchild is doing great in the world!

See you guys when this gets published!

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