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    "Oh yeah, payment. I forgot about that part. . . heh," the boy nervously chuckled. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at him.

    "Of course you forget the most ominous part about my rumor," she said, taking a few things out of the basket. He saw her grab two small cups, a small variety of dried flowers, and a small mortar and pestle. She also grabbed a little mat from the basket, then laid everything out on it. (Y/N) brought a pitcher of water from the middle of the blanket closer to the mat.

    "There's been something I've wanted to do for a while, but I can't do it without someone on the near shore to help me. My payment will be for you to become bound to me until you leave Kamome Academy and to do as I ask of you so I can reach my goal. These," she gestured to the flowers laid in front of her, "are the best way to do so without giving you any sort of curse along with it. It will allow you to have a foot on both shores, meaning that myself and other supernaturals will always be physical and visible to you, and they can see and interact with you in turn. This means that other supernaturals could pose a danger to you, but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

    "How am I supposed to help you by being bound to you?" He eyed the flowers warily, and he recognized a few toxic ones.

    "My goal is to create a sort of. . . council of supernaturals, if you will. They'll protect the school and students from anyone that would do them harm. That's where you come in." She poked his chest with a smile. "Supernaturals are controlled by the rumors that surround them. If they don't follow their rumor, they disappear. The more it spreads that a supernatural will kill someone, for example, then eventually as a part of their rumor they will have to kill, and that creates a problem.

    "I've realized, over the years, that when a human bound to a powerful supernatural spreads rumors, they take hold faster, meaning the rumors are more powerful. Being bound to me gives you more power in a way because, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm pretty powerful if I do say so myself." She held up a hand, and her hakujoudai floated there. She seemed to fling them at the dried flowers, and once they had passed through the plants, the flowers glowed vibrantly. They were bright enough to rival the sun. Amane shielded his eyes, and soon the light dissipated. When he looked again, he could nearly see all the way through (Y/N). She was hunched over, holding her head as though she had a headache. Her (h/c) hair fell around her face, but after a few deep breaths she seemed to have a little substance again.

    "A-are you ok?" The concerned boy leaned over the mat to see if he could help her, but she smiled and waved him away, leaning back a little and looking exhausted. He backed away, sitting back down the way he had been. Amane looked at the flowers and saw what looked like a golden web wrapped around them. The gold seemed to flow around the web.

    "Ok, maybe I'm not quite as powerful as I thought, but I'm fine. That just took a lot more out of me than I was expecting." Tsu said it took a lot, but I didn't realize it would be that strong. She sighed and sat straight once again, picking up each individual flower and showing them to Amane.

    "This first one is a plum blossom, a ward against evil. It won't be much, but it'll keep you safe from the basic stuff." She dropped it into the bowl, and picked up the next two while Amane looked at them with concern. "This is a red spider lily, a flower that commonly represents death or the far shore. I have wisteria here, too. It symbolizes longevity and life, more or less, like the near shore. They complement each other and will form the bond between us." She dropped the flowers into the bowl with the plum blossom, then she picked up the next flowers.

    "The iris represents loyalty, meaning we'll have to be on the same side, and here I have a red camellia. It represents perishing with grace. For our purposes, it doesn't mean death, it only means that the bond won't last forever." She dropped the two in then picked up the remaining one, a yellow poppy.

    "The last one I have isn't really important to the bond, but it might give us a little luck. It represents success, which I'm hoping we'll have." Her smile was sweet and genuine and she began to grind the flowers to a powder in the bowl. The gold seemed to disappear into the mixture. "I'm going to make a tea out of them, and we'll both drink it, then we'll be bound together and you can start helping me out. Like an assistant I guess." Amane looked at the mix of crushed flowers in the bowl with clear concern.

    "Won't this kill me? Some of the ones in there are poisonous and I thought this wasn't supposed to hurt me." Just before (Y/N) answered, another thought crossed his mind. "And I thought you couldn't eat or drink actual food?"

    "No it won't kill you, and you're right, I can't. This is different though. This won't kill you because it's all collected from the boundary, nothing here has the ability to kill, not truly at least. But because this is from the boundary, that means it's physical to a special few people, and to all supernaturals, so I can drink it just like you can." She had finished grinding the flowers and grabbed a ladle from the basket. Amane questioned his sight, because he had clearly missed a lot when he had gone through it before. 

    (Y/N) poured some of the water from the pitcher into the bowl and held it firmly with both hands. In a few seconds, the water was boiling and (Y/N) looked faded once again, but not as bad as last time. Before the liquid began to cool, she ladled it into the cups until they were nearly overflowing and handed one to Amane. When she spoke, her voice was serious and commanding.

    "Drink this, all in one go, when I finish counting. You cannot spit any of it out, you cannot only drink a little then drink the rest, and you absolutely cannot let any touch the ground before we're both done, do you understand me? Because if you don't then we run the risk of an incomplete bond and we're both stuck here in the boundary forever. We'll be bound to the ground we're standing on." Her eyes pierced into his, and he nodded. Her presence was suddenly imposing and frightening. He nodded almost fearfully. "Alright, here goes." She took in a deep breath and raised the cup to her lips. Amane followed her lead.

    "Three. . . two. . . one!"

I am honestly sorry if these seem really slow or like filler chapters. I'm doing my best to get to the point but I also want this story to last a while and be something you guys can look forward to while everything slowly unravels. Everything will start to pick up next chapter, I promise!

I'll see you guys then. Bye!

Before the Seven Mysteries (Amane x Reader) {Abandoned}Where stories live. Discover now