Amane had rushed down the hall as quickly and quietly as he could. He glanced back to see (Y/N) holding out her hand for the hakujoudai to return to her, then he rounded the corner and was out of sight. He grabbed the hall pass out of his pocket and made his way back into the class. Luckily he hadn't been gone for too long, so when he carefully opened the door and returned to his seat, he got nothing more than a few barely interested glances.
As the teacher went on with the lesson and the class listened intently, he was lost in thought. Mostly, he thought about how the mission to the moon was going to be, if the Americans would really make it there, and how the hell Hanako-san was going to grant his wish.
Maybe she just can't pass some boundaries around the school, but she could go over? Or maybe ghosts can just fly straight up and she'd carry me to the moon? No! I'd die if she did that, I don't have a suit. . . Maybe that's why she needed two days, to get one, but how? She doesn't know the first thing abo-
"Yugi-kun! Please stop daydreaming, and answer the question on the board," the teacher demanded, spurring Amane out of his thoughts. The boy had jumped a little at the sudden noise.
"Sorry, sensei," he said quietly. He went up to the board, grabbed a piece of chalk, and answered it as best he could. He managed to get it correct, much to the teacher's irritation, but the lesson continued on. Amane was now absently picking at the bandages while he listened to the teacher and was left alone for the rest of the class.
• • • •
Amane was walking to the front of the school. Class was out for the day and he was going to meet up with his brother at the gate to walk home, just like every day. The hall was nearly empty, as most students were staying after school to study or for club activities, and he was often called to Tsuchigomori's class in the afternoons due to his constant wounds.
An itch started up under one of the wraps, and he tried his best to scratch it without undoing the whole thing. While focusing on the itch and juggling his books, he nearly tripped. While he was bracing himself for impact, a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back up. He turned around suddenly to see who had grabbed him, and saw (Y/N) standing very close to him. Too close! He panicked. Without thinking, he tried to push her back. He had meant to grab her shoulders and back her up a little, but with his short stature and his haste, he missed. Instead, his hands went through her chest and he quickly backed up. His books fell to the ground. (Y/N) laughed, trying to hide a light blush on her cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I swear, Hanako-san," he did his best to meet her gaze so she knew he was being sincere. (Y/N) smiled at him and sent her hakujoudai down to gather the boy's books.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure. Oooor. . ." She handed him his books with an innocent smile, "Are you just a perv?" She smirked at him when he looked away and shook his head no, his face flushed. Does he really get flustered this easily? (Y/N) wondered.
"I promise I wasn't trying anything d-dirty. That wasn't what I was doing, I was just trying to back you up a little. . ." He grabbed his books back. The ghost sighed and her smirk became a small, soft smile.
"I know, I know, I just couldn't waste the opportunity to mess with you. But hey, I guess it's a good thing I came when I did, huh? I saved you from a date with the floor." She leaned in a little, acting like she was telling him a secret. "To tell you the truth, she's just a pushover and will do anything for anyone. She lets everyone walk all over her." A stupid grin broke out on her face and Amane tried to stifle a laugh. After a few seconds though, he realized she was probably there for more than just catching him and making bad puns.
"So, um, what were you doing here? I thought you would still be in the girl's bathroom. . . or something. . ." He asked, then he had a look of concern. "Have you been watching me?"
"Nope, I just happened to be here at the right time. If I were watching, you'd see one of these guys." She gestured to the hakujoudai. "I can do a lot of things through them. But anyways, I came to see what kind of food you liked. I figured a picnic on the moon or something would be pretty cool, right?" Amane hesitated in answering, but saw the sincerity in (Y/N)'s eyes.
He had to admit, it would be pretty cool.
"Well, if it's gonna be like a picnic, then maybe something like—" he began, but the door being flung open and a shout from the end of the hall stopped him. A kid looking much like Amane came hurtling down the hallway.
"AAAMAAANEEE!" the boy shouted, leaping up and grabbing onto Amane who nearly toppled over from the sudden weight. He managed to keep himself up and promptly attempted to remove himself from the other boy's vice. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.
"Tsukasa! C'mon, get off of me," Amane said, pushing him away. While Tsukasa's face was getting pushed back, he saw (Y/N) out of the corner of his eye. His face snapped to her and his eyes widened, then he looked back at Amane and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"What are you doing here with a pretty girl?" His whisper wasn't quite a whisper, so (Y/N) ended up hearing his question clearly. A brief look of dismay was on her face when she realized Tsukasa could see her, but it faded away as quickly as it had appeared and she donned her kind and mischievous smile once more. Amane was too flustered at the implications, so she decided to answer for him.
"We were just discussing lunch for tomorrow. Nothing to worry about." She waved her hand down like it was no big deal. "Amane, do you mind introducing us?" He nodded, and finally managed to remove Tsukasa from himself.
"This is my younger twin brother, Yugi, Tsukasa," Tsukasa grinned and waved, despite not being that far away. (Y/N) awkwardly waved back a little.
"And Tsukasa, this is my friend. . . um. . . Hanako-san," Tsukasa became wide-eyed.
"Like the ghost in the girl's bathroom?" he questioned, then realized something and attempted another whisper.
"You went into the girl's bathroom?! You can't do that, you'll get in trouble!"
"Yeah, Amane, you could get in trouble," (Y/N) teased, sticking her tongue out at him.
"Tsukasa, please don't tell anyone, ok? I keep your secrets all the time, please just this one for me," Amane asked in desperation, deciding it was in his best interest to ignore the spirit's antics for now. His twin's face was a comical one of careful consideration, but after a few seconds he nodded.
"Ok, I won't tell anyone, I promise." Tsukasa smiled and Amane breathed a sigh of relief. The quietness of the younger twin was short-lived. "Now let's go! We don't want mom and dad getting mad that we're late!" Tsukasa grabbed onto Amane's wrist tightly where the bandages were. He winced for a moment, and (Y/N) noticed this. Her facade fell briefly as it happened, but when Amane looked back, she once again had her smile.
"I'm sorry I have to go so soon, I'll see you tomorrow!" Amane said, then Tsukasa remembered his manners.
"Bye Hanako-san!" he yelled, waving at her from a reasonable distance this time. She politely waved back.
"Buh-bye!" she yelled after them as the door shut. Once they were out of sight, her expression fell. She sat down on the ground and was leaning against the wall for a while, deep in thought.
Boom, chapter three. A little bit later than I was hoping for it to be, but no big deal.Thank you all for over 100 reads! It means a lot to me, as I had high hopes for this book but I honestly wasn't expecting anything to come of it. I was amazed when I was in any sort of rank, let alone having around 50 more reads in a day. It's really cool and I'm happy you guys seem to be enjoying this.
Also, thank you to MiscellaneousFan who put together the epic cover that's now on this book and to whom this chapter is dedicated.
As always, feel free to leave any criticisms and the like. See you all next time!

Before the Seven Mysteries (Amane x Reader) {Abandoned}
Fanfiction"Have you heard of how the Seven Mysteries of Kamome Academy formed? They say that Hanako-san the bathroom ghost, the most powerful of them all, is the one to have gathered the mysteries together, thanks to the effort of one human boy." (Y/N), other...