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    Amane felt the still burning liquid rush down his throat. The bitterness of it didn't surprise him, since no sugar had been added to the tea, but his face still scrunched up in pain and disgust. For a few moments, he looked like he was reflexively going to spit out the tea, and (Y/N) considered holding his mouth shut, but she knew if she did the bond would fail. She had been instructed that both people must willingly enter the bond, so there was nothing she could do but watch as the boy struggled. The couple of seconds it took them both to get through it were horrible, and (Y/N) felt like her mouth was melting even after the liquid was gone. 

    Soon after, Amane felt as though something intangible had been ripped from him, then quickly filled in with something foreign and freezing. The boy was shivering while (Y/N) experienced her spirit being replenished with a raging fire flooding her transparent form. Once this had happened, some invisible power soothed them and both relaxed. (Y/N) more or less collapsed onto her back and lay still for about a minute while she adjusted to the new sensation within her soul. The bandaged boy leaned back heavily, feeling ice freezing his core, but it was quickly dissolving into a slightly cold but more or less comforting feeling. He noticed that the fabric underneath his hands felt more textured, more real. He pinched some of it between his fingers, noticing how much softer it felt now. Amane cast a glance at the girl who still lay on the blanket.

    "What. . . what did that do? I feel colder now, almost freezing," he said, another shiver running through him. (Y/N) sat up, straightening out her clothes and  brushing the dust off of her hair. A small smile appeared on her face.

    "It bonded our spirits. When my hakujoudai passed through the ingredients, a part of my power was infused in them. When we both drank it, a temporary link was created, just long enough for a small piece of each of our souls to switch places. Even though it's small, because it's so strange to us it'll be awhile before we get fully used to it," she explained, then took a deep breath with an even bigger smile. Her eyes closed, and Amane thought she looked content, but something in her expression, perhaps a slight crease in her brow or the fringes of a frown that touched her beautiful smile caught his attention.

    "This warmth. . . I barely remember it from when I was alive. The feeling of life in my soul and spirit, to feel something like fire burning in my chest, it's. . . it's more than nice, it's a feeling I never thought I'd have again. . ." Her words trailed off, and she shook her head to clear her thoughts. (Y/N) looked up at the stars and the Earth, away from Amane. "Thank you, really."

    "Y-you're welcome, I guess," he scratched the back of his head. "I didn't really have a choice though. You had to take your payment," he looked up at the stars too, watching the planets move sluggishly through the 'sky.'

    "If you hadn't been willing, the bond would never have worked. It would've just fizzled out and our souls would never intertwine like they just did. I meant thank you for being willing." A light blush touched Amane's cheeks, but he felt them burn hot enough to dispel the cold within him. The ghost continued.

    "I have one last surprise, as a part of your wish." She dug into the very back of the basket and pulled out a bag, which she handed to the boy. "These were the only things I made that turned out ok when I was preparing things, and I think they came out pretty good." The boy peeked into the bag curiously.

    "Donuts?" he asked, pulling one out. They smelled amazing.

    "Yup, donuts. I've made them thousands of times, so of course it's the only thing to come out right." She shrugged and grabbed one from the bag. She noticed that it felt more physical than her usual food, and her eyes widened in surprise when it wasn't ghostly like her. The hakujoudai flew around it, investigating it and making some noise like a warble that gave the girl the all-clear. Hesitantly, she brought it to her mouth and took a large bite of it. A wide smile dominated her features.

    "I can eat again! I can actually taste! This is so much better than I thought it would be!" She lunged forward and hugged the boy in front of her tightly. "This is the best bond ever!" Amane hissed in pain. She had wrapped around his arms too and had been squeezing them to his sides. She quickly retracted herself, and her look of happiness turned to concern. Amane's face flushed when he realized what just happened, all the pain in his arms forgotten.

    "It's fine, don't worry about it. I forget to be careful all the time, that's how I get hurt so bad anyways." A smile was back on his face, and he ate one of the donuts. I don't think I've had anything this good. (Y/N) was still guilty from hurting him, but she didn't want to continue to bring this up right now, while he was still getting his wish.

    "If you're sure. We still have plenty of time here, so have all the food you want, stargaze, whatever. When you're ready to go, I'll take you back." Amane nodded and they spent the rest of their time on the moon talking under the stars and planets.

• • • •

    The two had returned from the moon and were walking down the hall. It had become dark by the time they returned, and (Y/N) was taking Amane to the school entrance. The basket was hooked in her elbow while they talked casually. He had started referring to her as Hana-chan, and she liked the familiarity of it.

    Amane had been talking about a time with his brother and one of his old friends when a shimmering smoke came wafting from the basket. Without hesitation, (Y/N) tossed the basket away and put her left arm across Amane, forcing him to back up with her. Something shiny flashed in her right hand, and the smoke coalesced into a human form with long, straight, golden hair and eyes reminiscent of the arctic. The girl held a small sticker in her right hand and stepped over the basket.

    "I knew something strange was happening." Her face twisted into a soulless smile. "Hello, 'Hanako-san.' I am the exorcist Tiara Minamoto, and I've come to send you to the far shore for good."

Sorry for being MIA for a while! I'm visiting with my cousin at the moment and haven't had much time to write. Thank you all  so much for nearly 450 reads and 21 votes, it makes my day to see you all are enjoying this! There should be some action next chapter, and if anyone has any questions or suggestions, feel free to tell me.

See you next time!

Before the Seven Mysteries (Amane x Reader) {Abandoned}Where stories live. Discover now