"Have you heard of how the Seven Mysteries of Kamome Academy formed? They say that Hanako-san the bathroom ghost, the most powerful of them all, is the one to have gathered the mysteries together, thanks to the effort of one human boy."
(Y/N), other...
So, first off, right now I'm sick (seems like allergies so I should be fine, no big deal) and school is kicking my ass.
So as you all know it's been...
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A while since I've uploaded.
And also...
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A while since I've made any sort of progress here.
Part of this is due to the fact that the next scene I have to write is a fight scene that I had most of the way done at some point before June 30th and well, I guess it didn't save before I closed Wattpad on my phone when I was in an area with bad signal. It was really discouraging that all of my hard work just went down the drain, y'know?
I'm also just bad at writing fight scenes because I'm wayyyyy too descriptive, so that was easily double the work lost to the void. I want to provide consistent, quality content for you all that I just can't create in the way I want to.
Another reason is how it seemed so sudden that my story was and has become so popular, like I wouldn't be able to write something that everyone can continue to enjoy.
So I have a proposition.
The next thing I publish will be the skeleton of chapter 22, then I'll have 23 mostly completed but not publish it yet. All who are willing to talk with me, give me ideas, tips, pointers, new twists, fresh ideas, anything you're willing to share, things you wanna see, I am openly inviting you to tell them all to me.
Speaking of which, would anyone be opposed to me making a Discord server that we can discuss this in? If enough people want then I'll create one so we can have a little community.
So here's a little vote on the server, using inline comments (or just go to the end and reply to my yay or nay comments, it'll still count)
Alright, now that that's out of the way, I hope all of you wonderful people had a fantastic Halloween, and I'm excited to see if this server will get to be a thing. The vote ends at the end of the week and next Monday will be when I publish the skeleton unless you'd like me to put it somewhere else out of convenience for those who choose not to be involved in the creative process.