Chapter 15: The Swords are Clashing. Mihawks tournament begins!

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Carly's POV
     I held my sword firmly against this challengers neck. There was sweat dripping down his face as I prepared to end his life.
"P-please" he whispered, begging for his life to be spared. My eyes shut as I decided that I would be merciful, just this once. I swiftly swung my leg straight into the inside curve of his knee, upon contact I heard his bone snap before he fell to the ground wincing in pain.
"Carly has now earned the most wins in our tournament so far, three to be exact. You boys best catch up with her or she might claim the tournament for herself!" Mihawk announced to everyone watching on the boat as I walked back to my room.
"Oh my beautiful rose you were so amazing out there that it gave me goosebumps!" Sanji swooned as I walked by him. I rolled my eyes, this boy has been all over me for the past week and I can't seem to shake him off my back. I sometimes wish I wasn't the only girl swordsman on this ship, the only other girl here is Nami and she's found a way of avoiding the other boys glances. Sanji followed me all the way to my room, throwing compliments my way the entire time. A headache grew more and more as we walked, but once at my room I slammed the door leaving him outside. I rubbed my pounding head as I paced around the room. My last victories in the tournament were way too easily won and it was starting to get on my nerves. I had absolutely no competition at all, and I'm starting to think that this was a waste of time. My head pounded more as I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in.." I mumbled quietly, god please say it's not sanji. I refused to lift my head judging by the pain I was having until I heard a familiar voice.
"Nice job out there, surprised you didn't kill the poor guy." The voice lingered in the warm air. I smirked and looked up to meet the green haired swordsman's eyes.
"Of course I didn't, what do you think I am some kind of monster. I only kill worthy opponents not helpless ones." I retorted. He shrugged and sat next to me on the bed before looking into my eyes with concern.
"Are you doing alright, you've been very off ever since this tournament started?" Zoro asked. I frowned, I didn't think that dunce would notice this soon let alone at all. My head turned away from his as I refused to answer his question. I felt his hand come up and rest on my cheek before turning my head back to look at him.
"Is someone bothering you, do I have to kill anybody?" He questioned again which made me smile. The truth was that this whole greatest swordsman business was starting to get to me. I've been training myself to hard which has been giving me migraines and I've been waking up sore, but I knew I couldn't tell Zoro all this or he would get really mad and concerned for my health. I stood up and laughed.
"I'm totally fine, there's nothing bothering me." I lied as he stood up next to me. He frowned and pushed me against the wall.
"You realize I can tell when you lie, now tell me what's been going on please. I'm your boyfriend and I'm here to help." He said as I could practically feel his breath on my cheeks. For a second I noticed how worried Zoro looked which was doesn't happen that often. I smiled, anytime he acted like this I knew he was serious which made him stress out about it, so I couldn't stress him out more. I put my hand on his tan cheek.
"Please don't worry. It's nothing for you to worry over, okay?" I assured him in a soothing voice. He frowned before nodding gently which made me smile more.
"Good." I mumbled before giving him a tight hug. We pulled away and he kissed my forehead softly before walking back to the door.
"I'm gonna go practice for my next match and all, I'll see you later." He stayed as he opened my door to leave. I nodded and sat back down.
"Alright!" Was all I said before he walked out and shut the door. My head started to hurt a little again before I picked up one of my swords and stuck it into the wood wall.
"I'm sorry Zoro, but when it comes down to you or me...... I plan to make it me." I declared as my eyes grew dark.

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