Chapter 2: Set sail! Pure enemies!

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Carly's POV
"Idiot swordsman... stupid moss haired pirate." I kept mumbling to myself over and over as I sailed across the light blue waves. Part of me wanted to sail straight back to the headquarters and never leave again, but... maybe a little bit of me actually wanted... no never. It doesn't matter what I've said or done to him, we're done and that's all that matters.
"All that matters.." I sighed. Laying back on the wooden floor, I stared as the clouds passed in the sky. Slowly, I fell asleep to the sounds of the waves.


I stuck my tongue out at the moss haired swordsman as he joked around.
"I'm just kidding, lay off." He laughed while giving my head a gentle pet. I crossed my arms and got up.
"Nobody calls me short and gets away with it Zoro!" I yelled, practically tackling him out of his chair.
"Take it back swordsman!" While yelling at him I didn't even notice how close we were as I was on top of him. I blushed slightly and went to get up before I felt his arms pull me even closer.
"Come on, forgive me?" He said, fully knowing how squeamish I was when it came to being this close.
"Err.. fine, but don't say it again or I will throw you off the boat." I mumbled, still trying to find an escape route from his grip. He smirked and pushed my head gently to look at him, our noses touching.
"Noted." He joked before pushing the back of my neck further down. His lips met mine and he slowly ran his hands through my hair as I smiled against his lips. Everytime we were together, it felt like it was just us. As I felt his slightly rougher lips on mine, I felt finally happy and free. He left go of my neck as I slowly pulled away from him, slightly missing the sweet taste of his lips.
"I love you." He whispered against my ear as I laid my head on his neck. I loved every word that his deep voice uttered to me, like I was special and no one else could experience this.
"I love you too." My words rested against his neck as he gently got up, pulling me with him. He was about to walk away before I laid my head in his chest and hugged him. I sighed softly as he wrapped his strong arms around my tiny waist and lowered his chin onto my head. After that we didn't say much, just enjoyed being in each other's arms.

*memory/dream ended*

     I felt the boat hit something as my eyes shot open. Yawning and scratching my head, I got up from my spot to look around.
"What the h-...." was all I got out before I was face to face with big beady eyes. Two skinny arms wrapped around me before I could do anything else.
"L-luffy!" I shouted as the black haired boy let go of me and smiled, grabbing my shoulders harshly.
"Where have you been all this time Carly!" Luffy yelled, reminding me of the day I snuck off the ship. I frowned and shoved him to the side, removing his hands from my shoulders.
"It doesn't matter..." I mumbled while crossing my arms. Luffy frowned back and stared me right in my eyes.
"If it doesn't matter than you wouldn't have come back, and Zoro-." Before he could finish I cut in.
"Listen, I don't care what Roronoa has been doing.. I'm didn't come to find you so we can be all buddy buddy again." I snapped. Luffy pulled me into another hug.
"You didn't have to leave." He mumbled, almost sounding like he might cry. I wiggled out of his grip and walked towards the ship that was right next to mine. I touched the side of the boat lightly before sighing and walking onto it slowly. Once on the ship I saw Nami and Usopp playing cards on the deck. They both turned their heads to look at me, tears forming in both their eyes. I walked past them and into the inside of the ship.
"Back for him so soon?" I heard a voice come from down the hallway.
"Ha real funny cook." I snickered back at his lousy comment. Sanji walked over to me and smiled.
"Why are you back beautiful?" He asked walking closer, probably taking advantage of the fact that I wasn't single the last time we talked. I smirked and pet his hair.
"To see you of course." I fake giggled as he went to wrap his arms around my vulnerable waist. Hearts formed in his pupils as he went to kiss me. I quickly lifted my foot and slammed it against his, making him back up and cry out in pain. I walked down the rest of the hallway before turning back and smiling.
"Great to see you again Sanji." I joked as I walked into the kitchen. The creaky wooden table usually filled up in food and rounded by hungry guys, was still sitting in the same place. Sanji's knives were lying on the counter next to a few apples. It's been two years since I've been in here, yet it feels like only yesterday I was eating in here as one of them. One of them. I sighed and was about to go find the idiot that I had to bring back with me, before I was met with two swords against my neck. I frowned, staring into his black angry eyes. His green hair still styled exactly the same as before, his clothes the same. Everything about him was correct, except this time we were looking at each other with hate and not love.
"We meet again Roronoa." I said, my eyes focused on him and not the swords against my neck. He sheathed his swords and pinned me against the wall, his hands on the wall at either side of my shoulders.
"What are you doing here?"

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