Chapter 17: Move over Sanji! Go find Zoro.

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Carly's POV
A sigh escaped my mouth as I left my room to go talk to Zoro. After all that's happened I was set on telling him what was going on. Footsteps echoed behind me in the hallway till I looked back and shrugged before facing forward again to meet two big eyes. I groaned internally because I was standing in front of exactly who I wanted to avoid.
"Why hello again my beautiful angel!~" Sanji exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug. This is new, he normally never hugs me. I slipped my way out of his arms and put on a fake smile.
"Hey sanji. You wouldn't know where Zoro is by any chance?" I asked the blond haired cook. He frowned and scratched his head in thought for a second.
"Not particularly, but why would you want to hang out with that stupid swordsman when you can stay with me?" He questioned with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. I laughed awkwardly as to show that I was playing along before walking past him.
"T-thanks anyway Sanji, but I have to speak to Zoro right-" I was cut off by sanji jumping back in front of me with a plate of heart-shaped cookies in his hands.
"I made these just for you, my beloved Carly!" He giggled while handing me a cookie. I took it nicely and faked a smile.
"Ha, well thanks, but I really must be going." I mumbled, trying not to get angry. He frowned and walked next to me before asking a serious question.
"Is that moss-haired swordsman by chance dating you, or are you not seeing anybody?" I frowned. Can he get any dumber? I was about to answer when I heard a small squeak come from next to me. I turned my head to see Sanji being lifted up in one hand by Zoro. Sanji looked surprised at first, but then just looked plain angry, like he was ready to fight Zoro this minute. Zoro narrowed his eyes and frowned.
"Yes she is seeing someone. Someone who is very impatient when it comes to you, so maybe you should leave her alone if you don't want to lose those precious eyes of yours. Wouldn't it be a shame if you could never see anyone again?" Zoro threatened as he held sanji off the ground before dropping him. Sanji was silent, but I could tell that he wanted to stand up for himself. Zoro held my hand and started walking before we heard sanji stand up.
"I don't know why Carly would ever date a ruthless brute like you!" He yelled before walking back to the kitchen. Zoro was silent the whole way back to his room. I didn't say anything either, due to not wanting to make things awkward. Once at his room he sat down on the bed and started lifting some weights. I took a seat next to him and frowned.
"S-sorry about all that stuff with sanji. I was just on my way to see you and-" was all I got out before Zoro stepped in.
"It's fine, it doesn't really matter. Anyway, Mihawk mentioned something about you wanting to talk to me?" He interrupted. I nodded and fiddled with the covers of the bed.
"Yeah I did. Mihawk and I talked about stuff that's been bothering me and all which made me realize that I was really not feeling okay." I paused as I felt almost like crying before continuing.
"I have been kinda blinded by everything going on and I blamed you for my selfishness. All I really wanted to say was.... I'm sorry for not really being willing to talk the other day and I want you to know that whatever happens in our match for the tournament... I-I really care about you and I don't want the tournament to affect our relationship." I explained. Zoro looked over at me and set down his weights.
"I'm sorry too kid, I shouldn't have forced you the other day to try and tell me anything. If you ever need anything I should let you talk to me on your terms not mine. I care about you too, and I just get worried for you sometimes." Zoro apologized. I smiled and he pulled me into a big hug that really made me feel better. We pulled away and were both quiet for a minute before Zoro got even closer than before. I felt his hot breath on my cheeks before we both started to lean towards the other. His warm lips collided with mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I rested mine around his neck. We kissed for about a minute or so before we both had to pull away to breath. I stared into his eyes as I thought more and more about what we just did. I mean we've never kissed on the lips before unless it was just a quick peck. We both smiled before he chuckled a little.
"I love you dork face. And no matter what happens at the match tomorrow I will never stop loving you." I whispered as he placed his hand on my scarred cheek.
"I love you too jerk." He laughed. I smiled and got up from his bed before heading to the door. I turned around for a second to see Zoro waiting for me to give some smart remark which I happily obliged.
"Oh and by the way lover boy, your lips taste a lot like booze." I snickered with a smirk stretched across my face. He rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Whatever you say kid" he said sounding a bit annoyed, but not trying to show it.

A/N... Sorry to all you Sanji lovers. Don't worry I love him too he's actually my second favorite, just needed him for like plot and stuff. Hope you guys like this chapter, made this one a bit longer than usual!

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