Chapter 3: Tell me the truth! Friends again?

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Zoro's POV
"We meet again Roronoa." Carly said smugly as I sheathed my swords and pinned her against the wall with my hands. I took a few seconds to look at her again. Green eyes, long brown braid, and freckled cheeks. Her cheek bore the same scar, but now surrounded by new ones including one across her nose.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, not letting my guard down. A small smirk appeared on her face, god I haven't seen that in a while.
"What, am I not allowed to come onto my old pirate ship to see my friends?" She questioned. I frowned.
"Tch, like you would ever wanna come back here." I mumbled, remembering the day we broke up. She smiled at me and slightly titled her head.
"Of course I wanted to come back! I was hoping to stay here for a few days to catch up with everyone." She, probably, lied. I let her go and backed up.
"Fine by me. Just don't get in my way." I muttered towards her as I walked back to my room. Not one part of me trusted her. I know that she's lying about something, but I can't figure out what yet. She's been gone for two years, and suddenly she comes back wanting to "catch up" with everyone. I shut the door to my room and sat on my bed. I sighed, realizing that I'm not being completely honest either. Seeing her again, talking to her.. I-I can't be. I put my head in my hands, trying to work everything out in my head. She hates me and probably will never stop, yet why can't I stop loving her. I never thought that I would be the one who couldn't let go and live on, but in all honesty... I never wanted to break up. She was the only person who I could really talk to or give a genuine smile to. Of course I talk to the rest of the crew and stuff, but it's not the same without her. I missed laughing with her, seeing her bright smile form because of something I did.
"God...what's wrong with me?" I sighed softly before picking up a weight.

Carly's POV
     I walked around the ship a little more. Every hallway, every room... I kinda missed it. My old room looked like it hasn't been used, like they purposely left it for me and only me. My bed slowly creeked as I sat down on it. Remembering the nights I couldn't sleep, tossing and turning in it. I remember the times that Zoro would sneak in in the middle of the night and lay next to me. I laughed slightly thinking of the time he woke me up and I yelled at him for at least an hour about how I had just fallen asleep. I have good memories of this place and some bad, but the best part about them was getting to spend it with amazing friends. Luffy was always up for a game or anything fun to do. Nami was ready to kill any person who made me cry. Usopp was there to tell me stories or jokes, even if they weren't funny. And zoro... Zoro was there to make me smile if I was sad or to make me laugh if I was annoyed. He gave me kisses when I wanted them, and hugs when I needed them. Yet still in the end, we ended splitting apart from each other due to our spite. I got up from my bed and sighed, thinking of the mistake I made..... Wait.. No I didn't make a mistake. He made the mistake of not trusting me. If he would have just told me that he was leaving to go somewhere with Luffy, none of this would've happened.
"I'm not the bad guy, he is." I mumbled to myself. Suddenly someone sat on my bed and I looked over to see Nami. I sat back down next to her and frowned.
"What do-" was all I said before she cut me off.
"I missed you Carly." she said looking straight at me. I sat silent, deciding whether to say something or not.
"We've all missed you." she paused before letting out a little laugh,
"Trust me, the day that you left everything turned to chaos. Thank god Luffy and Zoro weren't here to get caught up in it." She continued. I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I've missed out on so much from my friends, Nami was now twenty and looked it. I didn't even think about how much everyone had grown. Quickly, I wrapped my arms around Nami and put my face in her shoulder. She lightly rubbed my back as I started to cry.
"I-I never wanted to leave." I whispered, tears staining Nami's shirt.
"I know." she responded quietly. We sat like that for a few minutes before I sat back and wiped my teary eyes. She smiled and put one hand on my shoulder.
"You have another chance, don't mess things up this time." she said as I remembered why I was really here. I nodded and she got up and walked out of my room. I had to finish my mission. Not right away, but I still know that it had to be done. I sighed softly. I didn't even know how I was gonna get Zoro to come with me to the marine headquarters, and there's no way that I would win in a fight against him. Slowly taking his wanted poster out of my pocket, I stared at it silently. The eyes of his photo staring right back at me. How in the world was I gonna do this? I crummpled up the piece of paper and threw it next to the night stand. Walking away, I didn't even realize how much trouble that little poster would cause for me.

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