Chapter 7: Buggy's prisoner! Carly's true colors!

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Carly's POV
     Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around to see I was inside a ship and to make matters worse, I was stuck in a stone barred cage. Huge black and blue bruises stained my arms, I guess I must have gotten thrown in here. My real question was, how did I get here? I tried and tried to remember, but it was almost like my memory was blank. Closing my eyes again, I saw what had happened. My eyes shot open wide as I remembered getting taken away from the crew by Buggy, but what did he want me for?
"I see you've finally woken up." I heard a voice which sent a chill down my spine. I frowned slightly, looking up at the tall figure standing in front of the cage.
"What do you want from me?" I mumbled, trying not to show any fear. Buggy smikred, his big eyes staring right at me.
"Why you're my bait of course!" he laughed pyschotically. God, and I thought I was the unstable nutcase.
"Bait for what exactly?" I asked. Walking over to the boxes near us, he sat down.
"You'll see! Surprises always make things better!" he exclamied. He might be right about sometimes, but I don't think that this surprise will have colorful wrapping and a bow on it.

     Another pirate stuck his tongue out at me as I leaned my head on my hand.
"Is the little girly stuck?" he chuckled along with the others. I blew some hair out of my eyes in annoyance. These pirates have been torturing me nonstop for hours, mostly just reminding me of the fact that I'm in this stupid cage.
"You think Captain Buggy would be mad if we let her out?" another asked. My head perked up as I heard his words. They all smirked at each other as one unlocked the cage. I burst out of the cage and turned towards them.
"Well thanks guys! Anyway I better be going now!" I laughed at their stupidity. One laughed, hard.
"Oh poor naive girl. We weren't gonna let you leave!" he snickered. Almost immediately after that I felt a cold hand strike me face. I fell to the side, my cheek practically burning from the pain. I felt a little blood drip from my mouth, smirking I started to laugh. My laugh became louder and louder. If I was any of these guys watching me right now, I would've thought that the prisoners gone mad. Putting a hand to my head I laughed harder, my long hair that was out of its braid falling in front of my face.
"W-whats so funny!" the pirate yelled a little frightened by my actions. A small puddle of blood formed on the floor a it dripped down my mouth and nose. I wiped a little blood from my mouth and licked my finger.
"I thought clowns liked jokes" I smiled eerily at the clown pirates, dark shadows forming around my eyes. A menacing laugh escaped my lips as I picked up my swords that they had left on the floor.
     In a matter of minutes the whole room was covered in blood. I stepped over the pirates cold, lifeless bodies as I opened the door.
"Guess their plan didn't go the way they thought it would." I smirked as I walked out to find Buggy. I walked out onto the deck of the ship, looking around I didn't see anybody. Suddenly I felt someone behind me, turning around I outstreched my sword letting it go right through one of Buggy's other shipmates. Moving my sword to the side, I threw his body down while looking at the floor.
"You really thought a sneak attack from one of your lackies would actually work?" I asked looking up to see Buggy above at the wheel. Buggy walked down the stairs and stood silently in front of me for a second.
"You proved worthy." he said. I frowned, slightly raising an eyebrow.
"What are you talking about, you know I just killed everyone from your crew right?" I questioned the clown pirate. He laughed and put a hand to my shoulder.
"I don't need a crew... When I have an assassin like you." he smiled as the words escaped his mouth. I smiled and did a little laugh before frowning again.
"Thanks for the offer, but I'm already part of a crew." I mumbled before turning around to be met with a gun to my face. Standing in front of me were at least twenty marine soldiers. A marine soldier that I recognized as one of the prison guards stood in front of me holding the gun.
"I thought you might say that, so what will you choose. Stay with me... Or be sentenced to death for not finishing your mission and going back to being a pirate?" Buggy asked. I didn't want to stay with Buggy, but there was no way I was getting captured. I wasn't gonna let it be like last time...

(2 years earlier)
     "So let me get this straight you were part of a pirate crew with your father for five years, a pirate captain for about two years, and have been part of another crew for a couple of months?" the marine lieutenant asked me as I struggled to get out of the handcuffs he had me in. I nodded, knowing I couldn't lie or they would just pull out my wanted poster or something. He frowned and got up from his seat.
"Alright thats all I needed to know, boys take her to the cell." he yelled to the men around me as they pulled me away to a jail cell. I sat there for days thinking every morning thinking that might be my last sunrise I would ever see from the small window. Eventually I negotiated with the guards, starting my new life as a pirate hunter.

*Memory ended*

     I took a deep breath before smiling chiilingly.
Sorry Marines, but I quit." I whispered loud enough for the men to hear. Quickly I ran froward and sliced almost everyone of them, each one falling to the ground with a thump. Blood covered the deck floor and myself as I took them out with my swords. The last one stood, staring at me with fear in his eyes as his friends lie dead. I smirked and laughed a little before letting him join them on the floor. Looking over I saw eyes that had almost the same fear in them, he backed up slightly with the other crew members around him. Putting a hand to his green messy hair, he whispered only one word.

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