Chapter 4: The real reason. Luffy's idea.

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Luffy's POV
I watched Carly walk out of her room before slipping in unnoticed. Zoro told me that he thinks something is up with Carly, so I'm gonna take a look around. Hm now that I think about it, I'm kinda like a detective searching for clues.. fun. Poking around almost every part of her old room, I still didn't find anything. I heard something crinkle on the floor as I went into a fighting stance. Huh, no one was there. I looked down to find a crummpled up piece of paper that had made the noise when I stepped on it. Picking it up, I examined it before opening it.
"Wait... Why is Zoro's wanted poster in Carly's room?" I whispered to myself. In big black marker at the bottom of the page was written Next target. Oh my god.
"I know why Carly is really here guys." I whispered as we all crammed ourselves into Zoro's room to hide from Carly. Nami frowned and looked like she was nervous.
"Why?" she asked quietly. I pulled the wanted poster out of my pocket and unfolded it. Everyone except Zoro gasped at the words written at the bottom.
"Carly's a pirate hunter?" usopp added. I scratched my head in thought.
"Huh I guess that would make sense, didn't really think about that." I mumbled. Zoro rolled his eyes and got up.
"I knew she was lying." he muttered angrily. Nami looked at Zoro then back at me.
"I get the whole pirate hunter thing and all, but I talked to her earlier and she was crying a lot. Like not the fake crying that some crook would do, it was real. I think that deep down maybe she's here for another reason too. " she explained while we all looked over at Zoro. Zoro looked completely oblivious while we stared at him.
"Why are you all looking at me?" he asked. Sanji facepalmed and frowned.
"Idiot swordsman." he mumbled. Zoro raised an eyebrow and was about to say something until nami cut in.
"Zoro, can you leave the room for a few minutes?" she said in a sweet voice. He shrugged and walked towards the door before turning back to look at Sanji.
"Touch my stuff and you're dead." he said and Sanji nodded. Zoro left the room and we all looked at Nami.
"Okay, so we all know that we have to get Carly and Zoro back together right?" she asked us. We all nodded except for Sanji. She glared at him, giving him the perfect excuse to agree. Usopp frowned.
"But how in the world are we gonna get them together again? Carly refuses to be around Zoro and Zoro's to stubborn to admit that he still loves her!" Usopp said, sounding very panicked. Everyone argued and argued trying to come up with a plan. I wasn't really paying attention due to the fact that I found a little ant crawling on my leg. I started at it for a while, scratching my head. I think I might have scratched too hard because I came up with an idea. Nami was yelling at Sanji for something as I stood up. They all went silent and looked at me.
"Why don't we just lock them in a room or something to let them sort out their problems with each other?" I suggested, more as a question than an idea. Nami's mouth fell open and she stood up. Grabbing my shoulders, she let a big smile stretch across her face.
"Luffy you are a genius!" she exclaimed, practically jumping up and down. Sanji didn't look amused.
"Well Mr. Genius, would you care to give us a room that doesn't have an escape window." Sanji snapped while pointing to the window. Huh he was right. If we put them in a regular room, Carly will probably just break the window and climb her way out. We gotta find a closed space without a window. Thinking.. Thinking.
"Oh I got it! Why don't we use the closet next to my room!" I added. We all looked at each other and nodded. This plan was foolproof and they will be back together in no time at all. And I'm the genius who came up with it!
     "Carly, I can't find my hat.... Could you help me?" I lied to Carly as she shapened one of her swords. She nodded and stood up.
"Sure Luffy. Where do you think it might be?" she questioned. I frowned and scratched my head.
"Well I was trying to get something from inside the closet, but I saw a spider and ran out. It's probably in there, but I'm too terrified to go back in." I whined as Carly patted my back.
"Don't worry. I'll get it." she exclaimed while we walked over to the closet. She opened the door slowly and started to walk in before I pushed her and shut the door.
"Sorry Carly." I yelled at the door, hoping she wasn't too mad at me.

Carly's POV
     Luffy shoved me into the closet and slammed the door, locking it.
"Sorry Carly." he yelled before I heard him push a couple things against the door for good measure.
"Luffy you idiot! Let me out!" I screamed banging my fist on the door. I heard a small laugh from behind me, agrivating me more.
"He tricked you too?" the voice asked from behind me. I gritted my teeth and looked over at Zoro.
"No not at all! I just love locking myself in closets." I exclaimed sarcasticly to the green haired boy. He rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall of the enclosed space. God this room was so small, I could practically feel the walls closing in on me.
"You and I both know what this is about. Am I correct?" he asked looking up to meet my eyes. I facepalmed slightly and sighed.
"I hate my life." I muttered angrily. Zoro sighed  also and stood next to me.
"I wanna talk."

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