Chapter 1: Hatch a plan! Get on the inside!

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Zoro's POV
"Destruction, that's what that town is waiting for if we don't help them" I pointed out to the rest of the crew. Luffy, Nami, and I were in deep trouble. There is this band of pirates who are planning to attack our friend Usopps's town. As of now we don't have their current location, but we do have someone on the inside. Luffy raised his hand and I sighed, gesturing for him to speak.
"So I'm confused" he announced while scratching his head.
"Like always" Nami snickered before he continued.
"Why did we send Usopp to join those scary pirates, isn't he the person who we are trying to protect" he asked, taking a bite of meat from the table. Nami frowned,
"Ugh, how stupid are you? We sent Usopp so that he can get us information about these 'conquerors' or so they call themselves" she explained in frustration. I threw yet another bottle of booze away after having to listen to these two fight. I feel like I'm the only one with any common sense here, and I also think that we are in over our heads. I've heard of the Conquerors before and trust me they are far from nice people. Apparently their captain is only 17 years old and has taken out over 65 other pirate crews and has raided over 100 villages. I'm not really in the mood to die by this guys hand. Arguing, arguing, and more arguing. Can these two ever shut their traps?
"Look" I yelled while slamming my hands on the table,
"This is serious, this captain guy is crazy and we can't risk having Mr. liar there by himself. Usopp will get himself killed if he says anything about us and all you can do is fight." They stared at me dumbfounded and Nami sighed,
"You're right Zoro" she admitted. Then a large smirk spread across her face,
"That's why the two of you will be joining the Conquerors while I warn all the people at the village about them" she explained her devious, yet risky plan. And that's exactly how we got involved in this crazy scheme to infiltrate the pirate crew and save Usopp's village.

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