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The winter sky was invaded with grey-ish clouds; Snowflakes peppered the sky gentle floating to the ground. Today, like any other day was cold and windy. 

I couldn't help but stare at Firkle every time the wind hit him, he curled himself up into a ball rubbing his hands together. The small goth wore a light black sweater in -10 degree weather. He looked like he might faint.

"Are you cold?"

He shakes his head no, but I didn't believe him. I threw my jacket over his shoulders. He looked annoyed however comfortable in the very over-sized leatherman jacket. 

"So where do we turn?" 

He points left and we continue walking till we stop at a yellow bricked house with a black door. Firkle fumbles with his keys, but eventually opens the door to an empty house.

"Where are your parents?" I was worried, the house looked like nobody had been there in days. Firkle just shrugs. Not even he knew where his parents were?

"Okay.....do you wanna get started?" He nods and I sit in the kitchen. 

We finish pretty quick, it was just simple math equations. Nothing difficult. I packed up my bag.  

I left the house but the small goth didn't leave my mind. There was something mysterious about him. Maybe It was because he never talked or the fact he didn't care what people thought of him.

There was just something.....


Hello, I will be updating faster now that schools out, happy summer. Love you bye.

your friend- Max

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