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positivity bot: 
good afternoon! i made a bet with a friend today.

positivity bot:
and of course, i lost. and that reminded me that no matter how confident you are, you'll still experience what we call as insecurity.

positivity bot:
so, that thing you're dealing with rn is normal and you'll get to build up the confidence you need in time. ♡

baby shark:
:) thanks. i feel a lot better.

positivity bot:
i sure hope so! it gets harder to think of positive things to say to you sometimes >~<

baby shark: 

positivity bot:
BUT DON'T WORRY! i'll still keep doing it. i just thought that maybe since you respond now, i'll just keep checking up on you and giving you positive mantras. sound good?

baby shark:
you still won't introduce yourself?

positivity bot:
no can do, compadre :( as much as i want to, my identity must be kept hidden until further notice.

positivity bot:
or maybe until my life is in danger idk.

baby shark: 
haha! well, i'll protect you from danger.

positivity bot: 
hm? u don't even know me? ARE YOU WARMING UP TO ME, EIJIRO?! :o

baby shark:
i know but u seem like a really good person and you seem like you're worth protecting. like my best friend, (your name)! and maybe i am warming up to you? who knows?

positivity bot: 
you two are close, aren't you?

baby shark:
mhm. i like her a lot.

baby shark:
but don't take that the wrong way! i meant that in a friendly manner.

positivity bot: 
of course, you do! don't worry!

baby shark:
thank you again. you have a great day too, okay?

positivity bot: 
will do!




cherry blossom:
fuck, baby shark. i'm so bored in class rn

baby shark:
what do you want me to do?! bust your classroom door open?!

cherry blossom:
sounds like something bakugo would do... and no! i just want you to talk to me :< you haven't been texting me lately. are you tired of me?

baby shark:
as if i would be tired of you, (your name)... also, i changed ur contact name.

cherry blossom:

baby shark:
you'll see it later. just survive your class for me, okay?

cherry blossom:
whatever you say, baby shark! <3 i'm always here for you, oki?

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