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Eijiro had been having a lot of mixed emotions lately. His best friend had been more affectionate than usual and he couldn't be more happy to have that. However, he noticed that one of the people who drove him out of his comfort zone went missing and in some odd manner, he couldn't seem to find another way to contact her.

"Are you alright?"

The question rang in his head for a while, not knowing if he was or wasn't. He took a deep breath and looked at you with an expression that said that he was worried and confused. Deep inside, you knew why but you were also a coward for not telling him about it. Things have been going well lately and you didn't want this to be the reason why everything might go down the drain again. "Something's just going on in my head. Sorry if that worries you."

"Every time you feel negatively, it worries me. That's nothing new." You smiled as you slowly nodded at his response. The red-haired just shrugged and leaned forward on the table, his arms supporting his weight as he squinted his eyes. "Remember that person I was talking to a few days ago? Well, almost a month now but..."

Eijiro stopped talking for a while, your eyebrows raised as you tilted your head. "... that person knew..." He stared into your eyes and you swore that if you said something and slip up, he would have figured it out. But maybe Eijiro did know but he was still skeptical about it and instead of confronting you about it, he just shook his head and smiled at you, patting your head.

"I think I found them."

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