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positivity bot:
listen, eijiro, i'm sorry for hiding who i am for the past few weeks. i have no idea if you know who i am already or if you have a clue of who i could be. i really wanted to make you happy and confident because i love seeing you enjoying your life rather than you being trapped in a spiral of insecurity and unsure feelings.

positivity bot:
this will probably not be the last positivity affirmation i'll give you but this will be the last one without you knowing who i am. idk if that made any sense but...

positivity bot:
be confident and stay confident. because u are the reason why i am confident in the first place. you are my inspiration, you are the fire burning within me.

positivity bot:
you are eijiro kirishima

positivity bot:
you are the guy i love.

positivity bot: (sending)
you are my best friend.

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