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It had been days since you last texted Eijiro after you confessed to him through another number. Even though you still talked to him through the number he got saved on his phone, you still felt like something was missing whenever you woke up. And of course, he couldn't help but wonder the same. He felt empty when he woke up to nothing but a dusty inbox.

There is something terribly wrong here. And he was more than determined to figure it out.

Oblivious to his feelings towards you, you actually felt your whole world turn around when you knew he likes someone else. Your stomach churned at the mere thought of the redhead being in someone else's arms. You shook your head as you placed your phone down that morning, not sending him a positive affirmation.

Did he even notice that the positivity bot stopped?

Beginning to feel a little less nervous and a little more confident, Eijiro grabbed his phone and typed on the keyboard. His fingers danced as every word started appearing on the screen, his mouth forming a small smile as he did so. Something felt terribly right as he continued to draft the message down, the smile on his face never fading once. You stood up from your bed, getting ready to face another boring day at school but stopped once your phone started to buzz out of nowhere.

You unlocked your phone, slightly squinting at the number that was saved as "e.k"

Eijiro Kirishima had texted you a positive affirmation.

With your cheeks dusted pink, you blinked a few times before throwing your phone back on the bed where it sat; glowing. You gently rubbed the bridge of your nose as you took in a deep breath, contemplating whether or not you should respond.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

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