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Eijiro was busy talking to his band members and the red-haired male had been anxiously waiting for a text message that will determine whether or not his suspicions were correct. He knew it was you but maybe he was also wrong and the two of you just share the same personalities. He had been thinking about it for a while and nobody else fit the picture like you did perfectly.

Feeling his phone vibrate, he quickly fumbled through his pockets, a nervous sigh escaping his lips as he unlocked it; the screen showing tons of messages from his other friends. However, he was only looking at one specific number. Reading the messages carefully, he felt his heart beat fast as he clutched on to his phone. His eyes were glued to every word of your confession as he chuckled softly causing a few of his bandmates to look at him with confusion.

You were standing there, watching his reaction. A few tears were starting to sting on the corner of your eyes but they weren't tears of sadness; more like happiness. As you gripped on tightly to your cell phone, you felt yourself doing breathing exercises, wondering if he would be surprised or he would be laughing.

He'd kiss you.

Your thoughts reminded you as your cheeks and ears turned red at the thought. The beating of your chest was getting louder and somehow, it drowned out the sound of every person around you and only one particular noise entered your line of hearing.

It was your phone.

Your hands were shaking and your palms were sweaty. Your breathing was ragged and your eyes were wide as you slid the screen to answer the call. "There are a million questions running through my head right now. Can you please look up for me, (your name)?" Realizing that you were staring down at the ground, your head whipped up to see Eijiro smiling at you like an idiot.

And you smiled back like an idiot too.

"So, you did know it was me?" Your laughter sounded like music to his ears and he slowly made his way to you, phone still in his ears. "Well, at first, no. But lately, I just had a wild guess. Then again, nobody would know better than you already do and I guess nobody would have tried to push me to my limit like you would. You changed me in a good way and I'm forever thankful for that." Eijiro was now standing right in front of you, ending the call. You were shaking and the nervousness made everything worse.

"(Your name), you're supposed to be the confident one here... what happened?"

"I'm just shy, okay? You make my heart go in all different directions and it just got stronger. I don't know how you do that."

"Well, maybe you should stop being my best friend and be my girlfriend for you to figure that out?"

The shock on your face was enough to make him laugh wholeheartedly. Your whole face was red and your mouth fell agape, a few groaning noises coming out of your mouth from confusion. "Are you asking me out?"

"I have been trying to...for years."

There was a minute of stuttering responses from you before Eijiro decided to crash his lips on yours. The warmth of his kiss made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy and your mind went blank, trying to process what was happening. Once you did, he had pulled away from the kiss but you were quick to react and pulled him back in for another to which he gladly accepted. The red-haired male managed to push himself away from you slightly while you tilted your head as to why he did break the kiss.

"You are the greatest positive affirmation life had given me. Thank you for pushing me to be a better me." He smiled as he rested his forehead on top of your head, his hands wrapped around your waist.

"I love you, (your name)."

"I love you more, Eijiro; so much more."




positivity bot:
you are my best friend

now, you're my girlfriend.

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