Author's End Note

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Well, you've reached the end of this book and I'm happy about the feedback most of my works are getting. I am still learning and practicing so, these books may not be the best but I am trying. Thank you for your support and if you'd like to be friends, my socials are at my profile. I'm mostly active in insta and twitter because my laptop broke (so, discord is just at a minimum).

Anyway, for anyone who is suffering through anything, you are not alone and I hope that you will find the somebody that gives you the strength to move forward and carry on. I hope that you will continue to stay strong despite the hardships. ♡ The day will come when your positivity bot will be there for you!

Always take care everyone and stay safe!
I love you all so much ♡ Also, check out my other works too 👉🏻👈🏻 that is if you want to

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