A Bit About Me!

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Hello! This should've probably been the first chapter, but I'm absolute shit at planning so here it is, but I'm still putting it at the beginning so new  readers will probably be a bit confused, but DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT!

Okay serious face now ಠ_ಠ (Hahaha this made me laugh out loud) A bit about me... Bits about me... me in bits......

My name is... well I go by Cinnamon now, I don't really like sharing my real name online sooooo... just forget you saw it, if you did.

I'm 17 years old, but I feel like I'm much older.

*I'm 5'2 so I'm a shortie

I'm a Salafi Muslim and I'm pretty strict about it. I do bend the rules slightly when it comes to swearing, music and watching movies and shows with magic. Do not take me as a great example, I'm trying to break out of my bad habits.

*Because I'm fully Muslim I wear the full Jilbab and stuff which is this:

I've been wearing it for years now and I really like it, especially covering my face

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I've been wearing it for years now and I really like it, especially covering my face. Wait this is going to be a whole chapter in itself.

I'm half Filipino and half Pakistani, but I was born and raised in London.

I'm second out of 5 kids and it basically means that no one listens to me and it pisses me off so much. 

I'm a proud mama to my two cats: Major (the little trashy asshole) and Hobbes (my squishy boi). I love them both to bits and I would honestly die for them.

I'm such so bad at spelling it's ridiculous, and if I'm typing while I'm tired then my fingers just kinda go everywhere and I make a lot of mistakes.

*I chop off my hair impulsively a lot and my family is used to seeing me with weird hair now, but it's not that it looks bad (Well it looks bad right now because I need to re dye it) it's basically a bit of a choppy Bisexual haircut and I like it.

I cry a lot when dishes break. I probably cry even more if I break them because I get so angry at myself and that makes me cry more. which makes me feel pathetic which makes me cry even more. My dad knows this really well because whenever a dish breaks he's come down to check that no one got hurt and to calm me down a bit. My mum says I have this emotional connection to dishes because apparently a bowl of rice fell on my head when I was little, I don't really know how the two connect, but okay.

A very important part about me is that I really like tea, like I like it a stupid amount. I used to drink coffee so much last year, but like the quote on my profile: When he was with me the coffee tasted exhilarating and intoxicating. When he left me it tasted bitter and depressed. When I got over him the coffee tasted sweet again, but it wasn't the same. Afterwards the coffee didn't really taste the same anymore so I moved onto tea and I like it a lot better. My sister often joke that I'm the Azula that Uncle Iroh never had.

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