I'm Not In a Very Good Place Right Now

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As the title says I'm not doing too well at the moment. I thought this feeling was only going to last until I went to sleep last night, but unfortunately it didn't. I know my warning signs for depression really well, but it fucking sucks that I'm relapsing when there's nothing to really be depressed about anymore.

I'm just lonely. That's not a cause for depression is it? 

 That's not a cause for depression is it? 

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Okay I guess it is.... That really fucking blows....

As much as reading fanfiction is my antidepressant it makes me so sad that it's not actually me in the story, no matter how much I loose myself in the story, I'm still here. I forgot that was a good chance of this happening again since this has happened before.

The only thing that's been helping me get out of bed in the morning is the thought of logging on to wattpad and seeing all the comments and messages people send me, there's been a lot more of that lately which really helps.

Idk Maybe this is just normal after being kept inside for months.

Idk Maybe this is just normal after being kept inside for months

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 I hate feeling like this, it makes me feel like utter shit.

I should be going back to work soon (I really hope) so it might get better.

I mean is it even possible to miss someone when you don't even know who they are? Because it seriously hurts, every single breath hurts. I just want this pain to go away.

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