❦ Lottie Simms

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Thanskgiving weekend job

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Thanskgiving weekend job. I was standing in the corridor of university, studying the lead board for students. It included important news and schedule, but lately they added special temporatory jobs to earn some money during weekends. And for me it was absolute need to get some. To those who know me and were a student of Baird University, you could have notice that I'm clearly most poor and useless person that ever crossed their paths here.

Did I sound bad? Trust me, it's worse. I'm not the type who opens up to anyone, sometimes I actually wish to share my feelings, but unfortunately I don't have anyone right to talk with. You know, I lost both of my parents, when I was a little girl. A car accident. I don't remember them at all, but inside of me is place that is empty. A place that should be filled. The place where the love of them belongs.

I don't complain, because as many other orphans I didn't end up that bad. I went to care of my dear grandparents Larry and Franny, instead of some orphanage. They were the most precious humans, I've ever could wish to have by my side. Yes, they weren't any rich, but they were richest with manners and enough love to give me. Although it must have been so complicated for them, they raised me well. On other hand I wouldn't be in one of the most exclusive preparatory school as Baird. I studied so hard to get in there and I'm still so overexcited I made it. My grades are so far great, I pass alrightly. But truth better be told, being in such a classy university isn't only about smartness. Unfortunately.

My schoolmates, especially girls, were these types who couldn't enter school without newest purses or painted mouth like clowns. Red lipstick is a need, I guess? I never really understood it, my make up skills weren't bad, but I couldn't offer any of it. I didn't mind, but my mates did, because I was the "poor neighbor." My most known nickname. I wouldn't call it bullying. More like: making fun of me or pushing me around for my clothes, which never was enough in. I wore own sew clothes, because my grandma taught me to be handy and I actually enjoyed it a lot.

At first, I really didn't care about other opinions, but as time passed it wasn't any nice either. I started to feel lonely, I wanted hang out with them and have some fun. But I was unlucky. The only actual friend I earned was a guy, little over weight, but kinda funny, George Willis. We get to know each others when I helped him to get an A from Maths exam. I helped him a lot with all grades and my reward was him becoming my great friend and partner in school projects, such as chemistry or biology. He wasn't any skilled, but it was fine, at least he was making me laugh and helped me to pick needed books in library.

Of course, he tried on me once differently than friend, but I quickly rejected him. I didn't wanted to be any rude, but he just wasn't my type and I didn't even thought to find a love in first place. The only possible love interest for me was in Harry Havemeyer. He was the most popular and handsome guy in entire school. He wasn't stereotype as his friends, who slept each night with different girls, I saw him as only one who never really behaved any bad to me. Maybe he even didn't notice my existence, but I was actually glad for that. He was too good to scroll eyes over zero as me. I wished him to get me know better, but I was so shy to even approach him.

For now, I was glad I actually have one friend to speak with and chance finish my studies and follow my goal to get on Harvard. But I still needed to earn some money and this Thanskgiving weekend job was great plan. I checked the another paper and took it in palm, so I could properly read it. Housesitting relative. I checked it twice, for the information and it seemed the most acceptable one for me. I made my choice. First, I had to send a letter, home to Oregon, to my grandparents to let them know about it. I was really sad I won't be on Thanskgiving, but I wanted give some of these earned money specially to them. I prayed they will understand.

As soon as I sent the letter, I headed my way out of school to find the teacher who prepared this project. "Lot! Lot!" I turned and saw George waving at me to come over. I smiled and walked to him. "Hiya." He noticed I'm on my way. "Rushing? You going home this weekend?" I shooked my head. "I don't know, I think I'll spend my weekend here." I showed him the paper. "I thought you going home to fuckin' Idaho for Thanksgiving." He commented. "I'm from Oregon." I corrected him. "I meant fuckin' Oregon." George rolled his eyes. "Lottie, how do you feel about skiing? Got a deal going. 20% off for my friends. My father set it up. He excitingly exclaimed. "Christmas in Switzerland. Wouldn't it be perfect?"

"It sound awesome, maybe next year I could join, but I'll rather accept this job now." I apologized. "Some fun wouldn't kill ya, you're never enjoying anything." He sighed, annoyed. "My grandparents need new TV and I think these money would help them." I explained, angry with myself that I keep disappointing him. "Then don't ask how Harry can't ever notice you." He shrugged. I felt little sad from these words, but tried to hide it. "It's already lost, I'm not like other girls, he doesn't know who I am for reasons." I replied. "Well, you feel that way. But maybe if you tried more, you wouldn't end up alone in the end." George added, caressing my shoulder.

He was right. If I'll be this insecure I'll never find anyone who would have some feelings for me. I really should have socialize more and try not to seem that poor. If only I knew how. "I better go, I must let the advertistment in class 6 to let them know I'm in." I sighed." See you in evening." He patted my back. "Good luck." I smiled at him and then went to class inform Miss Ritel that I take the job. She was very grateful for me taking rightly this one and gave me all needed instructions where to go. It wasn't that far. Only few streets from school mansion.

I've made my way immediately. Not any nervous or uncertain, I was aware there was selection of other jobs, but this was the best for me. Could I ever realize what is excepting me? What road my life will take through this? I was about to find out in an hour...

🥀Hello! So this is the first chapter, meeting or lovely Lottie for the first time. Our lonely sweetheart, isn't she? I think it wasn't that bad for my start, to add, that entire book will be in her POV. I really try give her justice through my writing, so let me know your thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter at least a bit and don't forget leave me some votes and comments. Thank you, sending much love!!🥀

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