❦ Dinner

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"This is incredible" I gasped from all the beauty the hotel, we were supposed to stay, offered

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"This is incredible" I gasped from all the beauty the hotel, we were supposed to stay, offered. It seemed fancy, yet so simple, I absolutely adored it. "The Waldorf-Astoria" Colonel introduced "The last time I was here, Lottie, was with a G-2 from Brussels. Had a Ferrari." I listened, but also kept winking about these amazing lights all around, setted in gold. Colonel's interest was all into cars as well. "Every day I held the door open for the fucker. Never even offered me a ride" Colonel continued as we entered elevator "Well, fuck him. He's dead and I'm blind!" I little laughed about that, his comments turned out to be pearls each time.

"Here's the apartment" I said as I checked the number in Colonel's hand. I opened door and carefully helped him in, his luggages were about to be here in a while. He looked he knew the area of room, but I had another gasping right here. The apartment was so big, bigger than my one with grandparents. I would never imagine I could walk in such a classy apartment as this one. The bar seemed to be one private room, same did table with phone and information about hotel. The apartment was like for a king. Such as Colonel, I could say. In a moment, one of these guys brought all Colonel's suitcases. Real quick service!

"I'm home again" Colonel said as he touched all bottles in that large bar. "Give me an inventory on this, will you?" he ordered and I checked all of these as well. "All right, where am I, in Asia?" he asked, little hopelessly walking around "He told me the phone was on the other side of the room, didn't he?" I took the phone and putted it on the end of table "It's right here." He nodded, taking it "Okay. Everything as it should be." Meanwhile he was making sure he knows place of the phone, I was fascinated by the bathroom. It was bigger than my college room and more cleaner to be completely honest. You know, what I mean. It was shame I couldn't stay any longer.

"What are you drinkin'?" Colonel asked as I returned. "Nothing, thanks. I don't use it" I replied. "What's useful about it?" he asked. "I don't know...Listen, Colonel, I have to get going" I started the important. "Where you goin'?" he asked. "Back to school. I've got some real important stuff I have to take care of" I explained. "Very well" Colonel smiled "But I never let my aides leave on an empty stomach. You'll dine with me and then my driver will transport you to the airport for the Boston shuttle departing at 22:00 hours." As I get used to it, I would never reject anything from him, so I had to agree. On other side some nice dinner wouldn't kill me.

I helped him unpack his bags and then he called a private limousine that taken us to his picked restaurant. "Car feels heavy. You know why?" Colonel suddenly asked as we were on road through streets of lighting New York. "You got the fuckin' weight of the world on your shoulders, dear!" he added. "I got a little problem at school, that's all" I said, trying skip the topic. "Spit it out!" he yelled out. "It's not a big deal, all right?" I protested. "If it's not a big deal, why did you say real important stuff?" he asked, little moving himself close to me in backseat. "I'm just in a little trouble" I sighed. "What kind of trouble?" he kept asking. Real stubborn one.

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