❦ Speech of Frank Slade

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"I think you were right about George and his father

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"I think you were right about George and his father." I said as we were on way to Baird for the trial. We had great flight and everything, but my nervousness and fear were noticeable. I tried hide it before Frank to not make him any worried, but he was aware of it all. "I'm sorry to hear that, dear." He said, finding my hand to squeeze. "When we get back Mr. Trask is bringing us up in front of the whole school." I added, squeezing his hand back.

"Puttin' your feet to the fire?" He commented. "Special meeting of the disciplinary committee." I explained. "And what are you gonna tell 'em?" He asked. "I don't know. I'll think of somethin'." I shrugged. "Lottie, dear, why are you all alone in this thing?" He asked with slight worry in his voice "Where's your grandparents?" I shrugged. "I don't want put pressure on them, they are already doing bad and I'm just worried solving this would be too much for them." He sadly nodded." Oh, yeah. That's right, although it's beautiful from you to take such care about them."

"It's all I can do." I smiled. Suddenly the car stopped. We were here. "I guess that's it." I commented, my voice trembling and entire body shivering. "Promise you'll take care of yourself, my darling." He begged me, giving me a hug. I hugged him back very tight, trying hide how emotionally unstable I'm turning out to be. "I hate goodbyes." He said as I was about to open the car to leave. "So...You'll be all right, Lottie. Please tell me you will." He smiled. "I'll be fine." I nodded with smile, slowly letting his hand behind. "All right." He smiled and then little turned as loud sound appeared. "What's that?"

"That's first bell." I answered. "Just got time to get cleaned up." He nodded and then started to search something in his coat. "I almost forgot. I owe you some money. $300. Job well done." I aceppted these, but not out of own will. "Have them, sweetheart. It's all I wish, so I can peacefully think you'll have enough at least for a while." He gave me his loving smile. "You ever need any references, Lottie, I'm here. If you needed anything, money or whatever, I'm yours at any time." I had to smiling all over again. He was the miracle here. Not me. "I can't even say how blessed I am for the chance of meeting you" I admitted sweetly. "Thank you."

"Don't make it hard for me, dear." He smiled sadly. "I just hope you'll not forget me." I shook my head, pulling closer to the window of the car. "That will never happen." Leaving a soft whisper and then out of nowhere, out of planning, I gave him a kiss. I pulled away as I felt his shock and gasping. And then realizing he returned it! "Goodbye, Frank." I said with trembling voice, from actual happiness and ran my way to college. What did came over me? I shook my head about it all when I was preparing myself for for the meeting and deep down faced the facts.

That maybe I fallen in love, yes. But with Frank. That thought was making me have milion other thoughts, but the main was that he wouldn't accept it and this kiss might weren't the best idea at all. Or was it? I tried not to think about it, because as I was walking to the hall, where was the meeting supposed to be, I had absolute different thinking. It was slowly getting crowded here and my place was on stage, exactly like on some trial. My legs were shaking, but I tried my best to walk straightly and not show any fear on me.

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