❦ Finale

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"Frank! Frank, wait!" I called, trying rach him as the crowd was passing around

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"Frank! Frank, wait!" I called, trying rach him as the crowd was passing around. Sadly he got lost between them and I couldn't find him. I needed to talk with him more than anything. About it all. And about my look on it. Especially that. I finally made it outside and I saw him quickly making his way to gate. "Frank! Please wait!" I called, running to reach him. He fortunately stopped after all." Lottie?" I sighed in happiness. "Anything else to solve?" He smiled. "No...Actually yes, I need to talk with you." I replied. "About what?" He asked.

"I-i...I don't know where to start, but...what you said to them...did you mean it?" I tried to make the question rightly. "Everything. Everything I said" He answered. "So...You love me?" I asked quietly. He little moved his hand to mine, so I could squeeze. "Since the Thanksgiving." He smiled softly "I was falling for you slowly, but certainly. Testing myself if I'm really able of it, but the deep love and admiration I taught myself about you was stronger than anything." I turned my look down with massive blushing, that I could barely held it.

"I kept losing my faith about it, but when you gave me that kiss...something in me made me to be faitful again. Faitful to take my chance last time...and here I am." He admitted warmly, squeezing my hands in his. "But I'm fully aware you maybe aren't prepared. Better said, my dear, you deserve a man, a man of act and specially a man who will see you, the grace of yours, as you deserve. Not like me. Blind asshole." He added with broken sigh, turning away. "No, Frank!" I called, taking his hand again to turn him back to me. "Never call yourself asshole again, Frank. Please promise me that. You're not an asshole, either anything familiar like that." I said. "You're hero. My hero. The hero of my heart."

He smiled for himself about it. "I couldn't believe it, my hopes weren't certain that me and you...that some us ever would be in my strangest thoughts, but hour by hour, moment by moment I get to know you, I realized there is something about you that completes me. Like you've been my half, I can't imagine to live without. And then the accident with Harry..there I realized I'm thinking about you entire time. Only you. No one else. When I accepted it's maybe goodbye for us, something told me to kiss you and although I thought it's just a confused moment, I came to realization it's love. That I fallen in love with you, Frank."

He heavenly gasped about it and I giggled, pulling closer to him. "Yes, I came to love you, Colonel Frank Slade." I smiled and then slowly made my lips approach closer and closer...and we kissed. This kiss was not the one, I dreamed to have with the love of my life in future. This was something else, this was purest love, no books and movies ever showed me. This was the kiss. The kiss of ours. Mine and Frank's. My man. Although it was only a while, for me the kiss was so long and passionable from Frank's side, that I felt disappointed, when we turned from it.

"This was the most beautiful feeling, I've ever recieved. "Frank chuckled. "Same for me." I giggled, being close as possible in his embrace. "How did I get so lucky to have you, my sweetheart?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me. "I don't deserve you." I happily shook my head. "You deserve me, more than you know. I'm luckiest girl alive here." He happily laughed and we kissed again. Many views ended on us, many students, but also some of my teachers. I didn't care about them or their reactions. I was in embrace of my Frank and that was all I needed.

We were simply standing here, silent, in arms of each others, realizing we made it. That we are really together. Only him and I. You know what they say, in world there is always someone who awaits for you. And Frank was patiently waiting to meet me for my luck and eternal happiness. What would haters say, how can you love a blind elder man? You don't know him. He is something else, he gives me certainty and I make him feel he is able be the man he used to be. He does see me, through his imagination. You don't need eyes to have love. Love comes from inside, not outside. Now I know it. Thanks to my beloved Frank.

"But I shall go now, I promised to call my grandparents. I have one day off for it." I admitted, sadly turning from Frank's arms. "That's another thing we should talk about now." He suddenly stopped me. "I wanted ask this sooner, but I wasn't sure you would accept, but now I'm more sure." He smiled. "I was wondering if you wouldn't like to live with me? I could send to your grandparents everything they ask for and they could visit us or I'll offer them some aparatment close to us." I widened my eyes. "What? Are you serious?!" He nodded. "I'm serious as heart attack, sweetheart."

My heart was about to jump out of my chest. "I would love to! More than anything! Oh, Frank! You're the best!" He laughed out. "But it depends on you, I won't do anything, if you prefer college life. But it's close from me anyway." I thought I'm dreaming. "College life against life with my man? Please don't put such a nonsense together." I rolled my eyes and he smiled. "Then it's a deal." I was so happy, that I could barely breath, too much happiness and excitment I felt only with him, but today it was even bigger. "But what about Mrs. Rossi what will she think of you for taking a student in your house? I don't want to seem as a homeless or something." I mentioned my little worry.

"Don't you dare think about it, you already done enough for me and if you'll continue this loveable care, she'll be only grateful she got no work with me." Frank commented. I guess he was right, after all she didn't have to take care of him anymore. It was my duty now, duty I admired. "So shall we go now?" I asked, taking him by arm. "As you wish, sweetheart." He smiled and I slowly walked him the way out of the Baird mansion. Our driver was still waiting in limousine for us, but Frank waved his arm up. "I'd like to walk hand in hand with you, if you don't mind." He said. "Not at all." I smiled, squeezing his hand even tighter.

Then sun was shining, students were running out for fun or to their homes, whatever, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything around than Frank. We were walking as we used to, but now it was more enjoyable as we knew we will never be apart. I was signed for my entire life, my entire life with him by my side and me by his. That's all what I needed and had my faith about. Who knows what future gives, I knew some steps won't be simple, but the bond between us was kept it everything together. I couldn't describe my luck for having him.

My promise is...that I will love you. Always and forever. No matter what, no matter this world around us brings. I'll never leave you, as long as I'll be around the light never fades away. Same as the purest smile of yours. I swear. Everything I am is because of you. Everything I do is for you. Only you, my beloved Frank.

With love, your Lottie♥️

🥀Hello! And that's it! We're on the end! The last chapter, I can't believe it! I want to so much thank you for all love and support you were giving me through this story, without you all I wouldn't made it

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🥀Hello! And that's it! We're on the end! The last chapter, I can't believe it! I want to so much thank you for all love and support you were giving me through this story, without you all I wouldn't made it. All your votes, comments and reads motivated me to do the best on story for our beloved Lottie and Frank and I'm so happy it was worth it. I love them so much and we will see if I'll not do some AUs or edits with them for you. The special thank belongs to my big sister tonjemorck for whom this story was written and was my greatest inspiration each day. I love you all so much and I'm way happy sharing my ideas with you all, so don't worry I won't be gone for long. I prepared a whole trio of dedications books, where you'll maybe meet to you very known characters. Hannibal Lecter for example? We will see! One more again thank you very much for everything, you guys are real bosses here. Sending much love, see you in comments🥀

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