❦ The Choice

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"Lot! Here you are!" I smiled as I saw George running over me

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"Lot! Here you are!" I smiled as I saw George running over me. It was late evening and I headed my way to my college. "What's up? How did that went?" he asked. "I'm in, difficult, but I'm in" I answered with nervous giggle. "You rock then!" he laughed and pattered my shoulder. "Yeah...and where you guys going skiing again? Sugarloaf or..." I tried to remember and get him in conversation instead of me. "It's bush, Lot, Sugarbush" he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have milion thoughts in head. Don't know what to solve first" I commented sadly, but he didn't payed attention at all. His eyes caught three boys by lamp. Two of them held ladder and the third, tallest of them was putting something on that lamp. Took a while, but I immediately recognized it's Harry. "That's my boys!" he laughed and loudly called at them "What are you doin'?" I nervously raised my hand to wave at them, smiling, when Harry noticed us.

"Keep your voice down!" he called at us back, little upset "I'll tell you about it in the morning!" George wanted ask, but then he noticed one of our teacher coming from behind. "Mrs. Hunsaker, have a nice day?" he asked, quickly turning her, so she wouldn't see anything. "George, why all the noise?" she asked, trying to look around. "It's Hunsaker! Go! Go!" Harry quietly called, jumping from ladder and escaping with rest of the two boys. "I was just messin' around with Lot" George pointed at me. "Good evening, Lottie" she said. "Hi, Mrs. Hunsaker" I smiled.

"What was that?" she asked, now finally able to look around. "I don't know, ma'am" George waved his shoulders. "Who were those boys?" she asked, looking at the lamp. "Oh, who knows?" George chuckled, but she didn't felt on that. "What were they doing? Lottie?" she turned at me. "Um..." I tried get something out of me, but fortunately George took it his way "Did you make this scarf yourself?" She rolled her eyes "No, George, I bought it." George winked "'Cause it's a beauty. It really is." She nodded "Thank you, George." It looked she's fine after all.

"In case I don't see you before the Thanksgiving holidays, why don't you give me one of your big hugs?" George asked with chuckle, wanting to pull her close. "Oh, George! Please!" she laughed, turning away and I had to giggle myself. "Good evening" she said for goodbye and with funny smile left us. "Goodbye, Mrs. Hunsaker" We said and as she was gone I gladly sighed. "What hell they were doing that they had to escape this fast?" I wondered. "Who knows? We will find out tomorrow" George said. "Oh, well. I think I'll go myself. See you tomorrow then" I said, little waving at him and then making my way to college.

Since I lied myself in bed I was still thinking about these three students, but in the end I ended up in thoughts about Colonel. Tomorrow I'll move in with him for weekend and I couldn't say if I'm nervous, stressed or little faithul about it. I simply closed my eyes and rather dedicated to travel to dreamland, leaving all questions and trouble behind...

"Mr. Trask is our fearless leader, a man of learning, a voracious reader. He could recite the lliad in ancient Greek while fishing for trout in a rippling creek. Endowed with wisdom, of judgment sound, nevertheless about him the questions abound. How does Mr. Trask make such wonderful deals? Why did the trustees buy him Jaguar wheels?
He wasn't conniving.
He wasn't crass.
He merely puckered his lips
and kissed their ass!"

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