❦ Frank Slade

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"Hi. Mrs. Rossi?" I called, standing before the family looking house in middle of smaller street. "Yes?" Female voice appeared. "I'm here about the weekend job" I responded brightly. "Come on in!" She called. I slowly entered and faced with shorter middle aged woman with light hazel hair. She was tired, but very friendly. "Does she got pimples?" I turned down to see little kids, boy and girl, playing with wooden toys and cars. "He hates pimples!" The girl with darker red hair said. "Francine, be quiet!" Mrs. Ross shuted her. I nervously giggled, but tried pay all my attention to her. "I'm sorry. The school gave me your name, but I've forgotten it." She apologized. "It's Lottie Simms." I answered.

"How are you, Lottie?" She asked, shaking my hand. "Fine, thanks." I smiled, following her inside the house. "Right this way." She lead me through kitchen to exit door on other side. It was really messy here, but I was prepared do some cleaning during the weekend. "You're available the whole weekend?" She asked. "Yes." I nodded. "Not going home for Thanksgiving?" Mrs. Rossi raised eyebrows in surprise. "No." I shooked my head. "Good, you're really wonderful!" She smiled happily, opening the exit door for me to leave. I noticed a smaller house on end of garden, it was small but for one person it must have been ideal.

"They put him in a veteran's home, but he hated it, so I told my dad that we'd take him." She explained. Then she little stopped me. "Before you go in, do you mind me telling you a few things?" She asked. "Don't "sir" him and don't ask him too many questions. And if he staggers a little when he gets up, don't pay any attention." That made me little more nervous. She noticed it, but quickly added. "Lottie, I can tell you're the right person for the job. And Uncle Frank's gonna like you a lot, too!" I really wished it to be truth, but by that small description I felt unsure about it. "Where you gonna be this weekend?" I asked as we are about to enter his small house. "We're driving to Albany. Donny, my husband, has family there." She answered.

She lifted cat in her arms and gently knocked on the door." Do you want Tommy in or out?" A deep rough voice appeared. "Leave him out! He's chasing that Calico ginch from the track houses again!" I was startled from that actual rage in his order. "Down deep, the man is a lump of sugar" Mrs. Rossi said, with sigh, what should have calm me, but it didn't work out. She nodded me to come in, caressing my shoulders. "Don't worry." I slowly nodded and she closed the door. Leaving me alone. I walked inside, it was dark. "Sir?" I quietly called, not realizing my mistake. "Don't call me sir." The deep voice appeared. "I'm sorry. I mean mister, sir" I apologized, trying to fix it. "Uh-oh, we got a moron here, is that it?" The voice commented. "No, mister...That is...Lieutenant. Yes, sir..." I mumbled with slight panic.

"Lieutenant Colonel!" He interrupted me "Twenty-six years on the line, nobody ever busted me four grades before. Get in here, you idiot!" I shivered from his way of calling me, but I seen it as my fault as I've made him upset in first place. "Come a little closer. I wanna get a better look at you!" He called. I bit my lip and nervously walked over. And I finally faced its voice owner. He sat in shadows of the room on the elder chair, with cigarette in left hand and in other hand was glass of some alcohol. "Hey!" He called so I could turn to have a better look at him. He couldn't see, but I still felt like he's staring and studying me with his imagination.

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