❦ The Thanksgiving

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"It's a lovely day today

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"It's a lovely day today. So, whatever you gotta do. You got a lovely day to do it in, that's true"

I opened my eyes, slowly waking up and looking around. "Good morning, Lottie" Colonel said. I turned and little pushed myself back on the coach, I dedicated to sleep on. He offered me the next half of his bed, but I rejected. It wouldn't be right. To my shock, Colonel let in room little older woman than I, she was sewing a suit right on him. His lost love? "Good morning" I said, looking at each of them. "This is Sofia, Lottie" Colonel introduced us "She's a magician with a needle." She nodded at me with smile, I rightly returned it.

"Sofia's workin' me up a little Glen Plaid number, and I've asked her if she'd get something together for you" Colonel added. "I don't need any clothes, Colonel" I objected nicely. "Standard issue for an upscale urban assignment" Colonel reminded "You don't like the clothes, Lottie, on completion of duty,
you can give 'em away." I knew protesting had no point anyway, so I rather made myself to stand up from coach. "It's a great day for singin' a song. And it's a great day for movin' along. And it's a great day from morning to night. And it's a great day. For everybody's plight!" Colonel sang with his rough voice.

"Sofia here is working Thanksgiving because she's trying to put herself through college" Colonel added, nodding over her as she was putting last pieces of suit "I told her, "My young friend Lottie headed for college."" I smiled about it, because I realized he might is seeing me as friend in final. After all, I actually really did tried for a friendship between us. I wasn't sure why, but I simply changed some points of view. Specially after yesterday dinner. I checked the clock and quickly reminded I'm supposed to have call with George! "Excuse me" I said, heading in next room for phone. "Where you goin'?" Colonel asked. "I need to use the phone" I answered. "What's wrong with the phones in here?" Colonel muttered, pointing around.

"I don't want to disturb you" I said. "You're not disturbing me. Make your call" he waved his arm. "I-i'd kind of like to be private" I mumbled. "Stay here. This is as private as you're gonna get!" he ordered loudly.
"But if you've got somethin' that must be done. And it can only be done by one" he kept muttering, meanwhile I was preparing the number. "Sugarbush Lodge. George Willis, please" I finally heard his voice. "George! Hey, it's Lottie" I smiled. "Hey, Lot. Next year you gotta come up with us. White powder on a base of snow bunnies!" he started, whole excited.

"I don't want to bother you, but you told me to call you for the moves" I reminded, feeling Frank's actual staring what made me more anxious than I was already.  "All right.
For now, the move's no move, status quo. Everything's the way we left it" George replied. "How did we leave it?" I asked. "See no evil, hear no eviI. You know what I mean, Lot?" George sounded to be little chuckling. I knew what moves these are supposed to be. His speech before were completely empty words. "Yeah. See no evil, hear no evil" I repeated. "Okay, then, walk like you talk" George added. "All right, bye" I muttered, putting the phone down.

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